Stupidly impossible.

First off, I know it is possible but only if you are rich or perfect. These new quests and act 5 and this stupid unfair uncollected thing. B.s. crystal drops. Been playing for a couple years. 4 5 stars. 3 rank 5 4 stars and no synergies. This is supposed to be fun. It's not anymore. It's supposed to be a fighting game which implies exchanging hits. Not hit someone 38 times. Take half thier life get hit 5 times and die. What kinda **** is that? What makes a fun fighting game is the matches that keep you on the edge of your seat. Plus I have had many many fights where I die and don't even get hit. K have made it to the point where they take off more life when I block them Than I do when I hit them with a special 3. Come on kabam. Make it fun. This is stupid. I get that people have beaten this stuff. But I'm betting there are plenty that are in the same boat I am. Act 4 is beaten. Ideally once you beat a level in a game it gives you the resources needed to at least stand a chance to beat the next on. Kabam spent so much time and energy trying to make the aq issue fair but then you have to fight against act 5 bullcrap.
This is where I stopped reading
Exactly. I became Uncollected when my account was less than 4 months old & I only had 1 rank 5.
Stop complaining OP. Act 5 will always be there and those who have completed it deserve what they get.
A rank 5 in less than 4 months and f2p as well? Hmm...
Where does it say they're f2p?
If you die on one mistake why even have health points.
The six star challenge is more appropriate in length. Reward should be a full 5* crystal for that. If you found it easy then you have strong champs and it should be easy.
Content that can be done with 3 star champions should not give a full 5 star lol
There is no argument when you are debating with people who thinks that using units is a part of the game/fight. I'm with you. I don't spend a dollar in this game but every time I have to use units/revives (not for my mistakes) I feel like this game is crappy.
The unavoidable damage from rediculous abilities, the stupidly high block damage we are taking these days.. the silent nerfs to champs... it’s all getting rediculous.
The thing that really gets my goat, is the bugs that are unavoidable. Parry not working correctly/consistently, unresponsive evade swipes, the opponent blocking specials mid combo... it’s becoming rediculous and reducing the fun this game used to have.
I understand that the game needs to evolve. I want it to to keep it fresh and enjoyable for me to play, for years to come. But continually creating content that is only passable by a single champ, due to immunities or a special ability isn’t fun. Having to contend with the increasing number of bugs that punish you, even if you play perfectly, isn’t fun. Continually pulling under par champions who desperately need to be looked at, isn’t fun.
Creating challenging gameplay shouldn’t require capitalizing on bugs and unfair mechanics. It’s just lazy design.
Make the game fun to play.
Fix the bugs.
Create vanity items for purchase, to increase your revenue without making rediculous content.
Make ALL champions good to play, so people can collect their favourite champs and CHOOSE who they want to fight with. Instead of being forced by rediculous mechanics.
Stop with the silent nerfs.
Do these things and you’ll find people more willing to open their wallets.
It can easily be done with 4/40s one path at a time, without potions.
Best tips I can give are: bring any power drain/control champ for DS, ability reducers do not let hulk gain the buffs @25%, and key to loki is do not even look at your hp or panic with bane, just watch bane timer and work around it (even 4/40s can take a few ticks of bane with loki still at high hp).
If you do not end at loki with 4/5 full hp champs (which are more than enough to chip away at loki if you do get bane troubles) just restart.
Believe it or not the most underestimated advantage to these event quests is the one energy per move. Start over and keep practicing without spending refills. Especially with life transfer these event quests are the ones to really sharpen your evade/baiting/parrying skills.
For me the best thing about completing web slingers was not the rewards, but how much better my skills got coming out.
It’s attitudes like that that ruin this community.
I cleared the entire challenge and didn’t have to use a single potion or revive so idk what you guys are talking about
No, it’s attitudes like yours that do.... you want rewards to be practically handed to you. You’re not willing to strive to get better why should you receive the rewards as someone who practices and plays regularly
What challenge? There is no specific challenge mentioned... Did you past the 5.2/5.3 without using resources? Collector? LoL? BRAVO!