Energy limiting gameplay

ShaggyMShaggyM Member Posts: 313 ★★★
At this point in the game or my progression at least energy caps make me play the game quite a bit less. Limiting the amount of time players can play a particular game mode particularly EQ or SQ is short sighted and not conducive to long term playing. By limiting my energy it just makes me put the game down when I'm out of energy. Much of the time for longer periods because I don't have the time to play when I do have energy. It also causes all kinds of quality of life issues in AQ and AW which lead to countless people quitting those game modes. I understand there's money to be made off of energy refills but that's not how I want to spend my money. When I spend money on the game I want it to be for more exciting things like champs or maybe materials to get champs ranked. There's absolutely no excitement in spending money to buy refills just to play the game longer. I'll grant that years ago I was more willing to spend to keep playing but now I just put the game down. As far as AQ and AW are concerned I get it that you want people to keep coming back to the game but what's the difference of just having someone log in for just a few minutes to clear a path or node and put it down again because they're life busy? I would clear a lot more content if my energy wasn't restricted and playing more difficulties in EQ would be much more palatable. I rarely play lower difficulties now because when I do have the time to play I'd rather use my energy for more challenging or beneficial content. I know they're not just going to get rid of energy requirements but a closer look at how much energy is limited should be done. Maybe things like having different energy pools for each game mode or difficulty. For example having separate energy for different difficulties like when you're done with Cav difficulty you can jump into Uncollected with full energy and so on. Also having different energy for Event, Story and Side quests would also be great. Now I have to choose which content I want to play. Just my thoughts on it.


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Try paragraphs.

    It’s not hard to finish content. Energy refills may not seem exciting compared to opening crystals but completing content usually gets you shards to open crystals. I see you have a disconnect from these two similar aspects.

    I don’t buy energy refills and have cavalier eq 100% and everything else in the game 100%. That’s just me, I know if there was a ton of content there would be more stress on energy refills but I would then grind arenas for units so when I have time to play I can buy as many refills as my time allows. Not money, earned units.
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,584 ★★★★★
    It's by design. First you use units to buy refills. Then you run out of units. Then kabaam profits.
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