Battlegrounds Champion Charge Reduction

The beta will be reducing champion charges from the previous value of 99 to 3 for Battlegrounds. Why are we limiting this? Using the full breadth of our roster is what made this so engaging the first time around. Limiting rosters in any way will just lead to limiting the time players put into the game mode and extra frustration in most cases.
Edit: forgot to mention though, 3 seems pretty low depending on what the refresh timer will be. If it's going to be the better part of a day to refresh my champs, I would hope that they can be used more like 5-7 times if not more.
They are testing out how reducing the charges will work. This is not a permanent change.
Not sure why you think you know how this plays out before A: What this looks like when it launches and B: How people actually play it when it's live.
Big spenders already have a big advantage in this game mode with the breadth of their roster, but now they’ll just spend to always have their top champs available when other ftp players won’t.
Personally I don’t think there should be any champion refresh timer. Play the mode as much as you want. If you’re good, you’ll earn points. If you’re not, it won’t matter how many games you play, someone who plays less but wins more often can still have a higher number.
If we are forced to have refresh timer, it needs to be something like 25 minimum though.
Every game mode is monetized in some fashion, because every game mode has to pay for itself. Given a choice between a battlegrounds game mode with no monetization avenues and a battlegrounds game mode with one, the one with the monetization avenue will displace the one without one. We can debate how much or how little the game mode should be monetized; AQ is arguably very lightly monetized while AW is more heavily monetized, and arena is only partially monetized, but there are no game modes that have zero monetization opportunities at all.
Having a big roster is only an advantage vs players without one. But a big roster is no advantage against the other high tier players with equally large rosters. At the highest levels of competition, there's almost certainly going to be ways for Kabam to monetize the competition among the largest roster players. If it isn't champion recharge, it will probably be something equally useful and equally limiting to those who don't utilize it.
I don’t know what the refresh will be, I know @Worknprogress mentioned 8 hours but I haven’t seen anything on that (if you have a link that would be great). So every 8 hours means 3 times a day, easily letting you do those 8 match ups a day - even if you need to reuse champions.
The issue people will run into is if they have an over reliance on specific champs, meaning their deck is significantly weakened once a small amount of champions have run out of energy. Assuming you have 30 champions in your deck that can all play a part and all be used, you have enough depth as a high skill player to get into the top.
No amount of high skill can circumvent a weak roster, which is absolutely correct. We need to reward roster depth, which is theoretically what the stamina does.
I think people see 3 energy and panic, and yeah I was the same. I didn’t like the idea at the start, but having thought about what I did and managed to do with one deck and only 8 matches a day, I think it’s vastly being overstated how much of a big deal these stamina are. I will wait and see how the beta feels with this stamina addition, maybe it’ll feel to limiting, maybe it’ll be fine. I look forward to testing it.
People are also overstating the brute force, throw cash at it approach. This is not arena where every matchup adds points to your total. Someone with a medium level of skill could throw a million dollars at this mode and get nowhere. Even someone with high skill will need to be eternally on their game.
Take someone like BeroMan for example, clearly a highly skilled player. But he seems to be one of the most highly matched players, he had 250 match ups near the end. He threw energy refills at it like there was no tomorrow, but he still ended up hovering around the 5-20 range. Throwing money at this mode alone will not get you to the top, this isn’t arena. And to me, as a player who doesn’t spend anymore and won’t spend on the mode. I feel absolutely fine with making this mode have a monetisation aspect that doesn’t wipe the floor with non-spenders.
I feel like I can likely compete with spenders by doing my 8 or so fights a day, and I can back my skill and my roster to do so. The people who can’t get into and stay in the top parts of the leaderboard without doing 15, 20 or 30 matches a day will have to work on percentage wins, either by strengthening their roster or by sharpening skills. Either that, or prepare to pay - and even then, don’t expect it to get you higher than your percentage wins allow.