Safeguard in Battlegrounds

This node made the fights so long. Ik you have to bring more DOT champs but you don't always draw the right ones and some defenders have several immunities. I'm sure it was somewhat intended but it's a bit of a chore now.
I realize that isn't fun, but just how it is. Here is some advice: there are a number of champions with abilities that get around the safeguard node but aren't the traditional debuff-reliant champs. Kitty has passive debuffs, Guardian and other champs that deal extra damage on crits are great for this, power sting champs are solid (still a debuff but rarely are champs immune to it), etc.
Arguments about willpower are also kinda misplaced. Different masteries are clearly going to give you different advantages and disadvantages in the game. Willpower doesn't help robots, jut also, as a side note. Similarly to willpower, suicide mastery users get a huge boost from those in Battlegrounds, as do champs who run other particularly chosen masteries. That's kinda how they work.
What I do hate about it is the bugs we have to deal with almost all the time in this game.
I technically won this matchup but after my second fight it crashed. Smh
I had the exact same black screen o’ death. And I also “won” though I know I lost, it was the third fight, and I had the worse matchup and got whupped, then that screen came up and…win. Feel bad for the other guy.
Every single safeguard fight I've done has been shorter than the masochism fights last time.