5.3.6 Refill farm change

Since the other got closed for being derailed, maybe a thread to discuss the change without having to rely on observations alone
For me, it's a very very bad change. It was the perfect place to farm the items . It took long enough and you had to actually do the fight and not able to autofight it was not like the act 1 reveiv farm that was nerfed long back
For me, it's a very very bad change. It was the perfect place to farm the items . It took long enough and you had to actually do the fight and not able to autofight it was not like the act 1 reveiv farm that was nerfed long back
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
Gone but not forgotten. Rip 5.3.6 ers.
So auto-farming easy quests where you don't have to 'play' the game (just auto-fight) for Revives is ok...?
Auto-questing w/ beefy R3 or R4 6-Star champions in Realm of Legends for Health Potions is ok...?
But actually having to invest your time and play the game to farm for Energy Refills is NOT ok...?
Please let's have a reasonable discussion about this... Respawn rate just too OP in 5.3.6? Why not just lower the RNG that it spawns, rather than rip it away? Kabam controls the items and rates on the maps and there will always be maps that have better rates than others until you just actually make the change to make it all equal. Why the discrepancy?
I said it to keep it down. Don't poke too much about it. Kabam may know about it but players should not make it obvious how beneficial it is to them . But instead I was laughed on. Those pros said that 5.3.6 will be last place to nerf bla bla bla bla bla.
I predicted that once a hard but very rewarding content comes it will be patched
I got lot of disagrees. I said that this dumbness will get this thing down. TBH players deserved this nerf and I want that kabam don't reverse it(I used to farm 5.3.6 too so I know what I am saying). This should be lesson why players should not poke game team too much how beneficial something is to all players
Simple lesson : if you find such thing again, FFS please don't go on announcement mode. Enjoy it and spread to ally mates and friend. Don't come to forums to Brag/flex. Keep it low. Otherwise I am predicting again that some placed and things will get patch soon .
What a waste of such good quest. Gonna miss my farm 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
Transparency, level down!
What I said was wait for actual information before assuming.
Dr. Zola
I used to use 5.3.6 to farm more refills from the few refills I had. Those refills helped me alot in like exploring cav eq on day1 and some more stuff. If any refill would ever be expiring , I would be jumping in to farm revives . Never had to worry about refills/ lvl1 revives this way.
Dr. Zola
What I understood from those who routinely farmed that quest, the upper 2 paths never spawned small refills.
I haven’t touched Act 5 since I explored it years ago, yet when I went in today, this is whats on the map.
Was there always a chance for a small energy refill, or were the items changed?