Initial thoughts on yondu buff.

Definitely an improvement in terms of damage. Love the utility that was added. But just feels like it needs more.
I'd make the precision off the l3 permenant. With a max stack of 1. I would also change the % to trigger a bleed/armor break to 60% on base then incorporate a increase/decrease of chance depending on class relations.(20% increase with advantage)(20% decrease with disadvantage)
Then add a taunt or infuriate on the heavy attack lasting 12 seconds. Also reduce the combat power rate reduction to -30% just feel like -50% extends the ramp up for l2 by a large margin.
I'd make the precision off the l3 permenant. With a max stack of 1. I would also change the % to trigger a bleed/armor break to 60% on base then incorporate a increase/decrease of chance depending on class relations.(20% increase with advantage)(20% decrease with disadvantage)
Then add a taunt or infuriate on the heavy attack lasting 12 seconds. Also reduce the combat power rate reduction to -30% just feel like -50% extends the ramp up for l2 by a large margin.
Like, Magik getting a boost for how many specials her opponent throws would kinda suck.
It does work a bit better when he's Awakened, since those Weakness debuffs are fairly short-lived. As they double your pre-existing debuffs, they'll substantially reduce the power your opponent gets if you throw your own Special Attacks after baiting out theirs.
And I guess the Power denial mechanic helps you make use of his (slightly too short) high-damage phase.
But on the whole, yes: counter-intuitive and a bit counter-productive.
I've got him as a 6*r2. I don't run suicides, and I was getting bigger hits than that including a 15k Heavy crit (split between two hits, 4k and 11k).
It doesn't last long though: 14s is over pretty quickly; particularly since the SP2 itself is 4-5s long.
Still, it's a definite improvement, from this pre-buff (underwhelming):
To this post-buff (adequate/useable):
I think this buff is a success in making Yondu useable. His damage really was an issue before, and now it's not a barrier to playing him, if you want to.
So, Yondu post-buff: useable, not amazing; but has unique utility that will work for certain scenarios and opponents. Not the best buff (by far), but better than quite a few have been!
I wonder if the data will show increased use in the next 6 months - what is the measure of success for a champ update?
I did a test in Act 6 vs a sp3 and with 0 weakness he went from 95% to 0 vs a Hood and even if he did survive, the bleed would have killed him.
Did the fight over and was easliy able to get 5 weaknesses before the same Sp3 and he went from 95% to 77% and the bleed was just below his willpower regen and was able to heal about 1-2% from it.
If he was R2-3 and at a higher sig level, his health pool would have been bigger which means less health bar damage, stronger weaknesses and the willpower regen would have been even better from the bleeds.
That.. is a MASSIVE difference that he COULD have done before the buff but since he's able to get up debuffs easier now and they last alittle longer, it's much easier to do.
Yes his damage is only better by an ok amount but damage alone doesn't make a champ good. Utility does as well.
He's great vs Apoc from testing as well since when Apoc's prowess is gone, it's gone and blocking both his SP1 and SP2 becomes nothing and more so if you have up an armor buff.
I'm still testing him as I go but I'm happy with his update as I don't tunnel vision for damage like alot of players do.
Other than that I don't see much use
May be he can be good against Omega Sentinel due to Armor siphon, but need to test that to judge his effectiveness
The whole point of all this is to get all the meme tier Champions and integrate them into the other parts of the tier list. Some Buffs will take them all the way to the top and some won't get further than middle of the pack but no matter what Champion you get, there's still something there and it's not just you complaining as you beat your head against the wall that you wasted a crystal..