Nova needs a relook

I have a r3 Nova mainly for defense. First looking at his kit he has a pretty huge permanent fury and several others up to 5 then once awakened a nice bonus on his dash attack but he still hits like a wet noodle.
Lets not even take in the fact his energy damage he puts out its just non existant. And then the biggest damage you can do is between 2 to 3 bars of power 100 nova charges and a 3 second unblockable. WOW thats alot of requirements for an attack that still tickles even the cutest teddy bear.
A cosmic surely an armor break and poison immune. Only on techs and nope. But hes energy, shock immune nope. Shock damage, nope. True accuracy, measly 7 seconds only after 75 charges. Do you build him up? Uh yeaah, but once you get to 100 charges boom process is restarted with no benefit.
I get it i get it hes a defense champ, everyone cant be cosmic ghost rider, but this guy who looks and plays like guardian doesnt even do a fraction of his damage, zero utility, no immunities, horrible rotation, and lackluster kit.
Lets not even take in the fact his energy damage he puts out its just non existant. And then the biggest damage you can do is between 2 to 3 bars of power 100 nova charges and a 3 second unblockable. WOW thats alot of requirements for an attack that still tickles even the cutest teddy bear.
A cosmic surely an armor break and poison immune. Only on techs and nope. But hes energy, shock immune nope. Shock damage, nope. True accuracy, measly 7 seconds only after 75 charges. Do you build him up? Uh yeaah, but once you get to 100 charges boom process is restarted with no benefit.
I get it i get it hes a defense champ, everyone cant be cosmic ghost rider, but this guy who looks and plays like guardian doesnt even do a fraction of his damage, zero utility, no immunities, horrible rotation, and lackluster kit.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
But with how the buff program is now, people would only face disappointment
Forget abt him.... ofc u have many other good champs.... have fun with these. Have a great day
If he was to receive a buff, I would prefer a moderate one rather than value only since he needs a boost to both his damage and utility. Some immunities (shock + maybe the first plasma immune champion) along with additional abilities to the Xandarian Worldmind. It should give him a different ability to counter the type of champion he faces. (Ex. against mutant inflict healblock on medium, reduce purify chance per fury nova has against skill)
Never get 100 charges unless you’re finishing a fight because it dumps all your furies to make him unblockable and you start over with them on cd.
The only thing he needs imo is to make the air walker synergy part of his normal kit so his furies don’t expire once built up.
As a 5/65 duped at max sig, and with all 5 furies he hits with over 10k attack rating on his mediums. That’s like Stryfe level when he’s at max persistent charges. And with 5 furies still has 5-6k on all attacks.
I also disagree with the lack of utility. He gets true strike, power gain, accelerated charge up on his s1, his mediums are non contact, and he takes way less damage from unblockable and guaranteed crit etc.
Sure an immunity would be nice but his issue is just the furies cycling off.
His main pieces of utility are not reliable. The true strike is too short to keep up continuously. Reduced damage from unblockable and guaranteed crits is a nice safety net but no one brings Nova to counter unblockable, you bring a champion who can nullify the buff or block unblockable attacks and ebony maw for guaranteed crits. I will agree, the non-contact mediums are nice for Korgs and Electros. Giving him even one piece of utility that would allow him to fulfill a niche, like Medusa reducing robot ability accuracy with armor shatters, he would be a great addition to someone’s roster. At the moment, there is no situation where I would look at a fight and consider using Nova first.
And I was comparing novas damage/attack output to stryfes damage output. Not utility.
Stryfe also has insane ramp up, both because it takes a while to cycle s1 or s3.
I’m not saying don’t improve nova. I would love it if they did. He’s one of my favorite champs from the comics and has a unique play style. But I don’t think he’s as bad as most people believe he is.
And I disagree about Stryfe's ramp up, only people who have never used him say that (I used to be one of them) I have used him everywhere - In Act 7 you're mostly done in 2 fights or at most the beginning of the 3rd, in Map 5 AQ you're done in 4 or 5. Last day of Map 5 with epic Mods and he ends fights in 7 hits.
And he doesn't exactly hit like a noodle until he's ramped up. By 50-70 charges you're doing good damage. I once did an entire Sec 7 incursions with him at 70 charges (Granted it's incursions) But he doesn't really a full ramp up since his utility doesn't depend on it like Aegon or G2099. I have them too and Stryfe sees more use.