What is your favorite thing about Arena?

A Completely Unbiased Poll
What is your favorite thing about Arena? 130 votes
Having to ask for help for the same champs over and over again. I really admire Kabam's fortitude. Despite the fact that the help system brings nothing to the game, and it is the one feature that has literally never worked propertly, they will never remove it. I especilly love it when it causes connection issues and I have to restart the game.
Kang/Thanos teams. I find the monotony of Arena very soothing to begin with, and when it's the same champs over and over again it's even better!
The Grind. Who needs sleep or weekend plans when I can spend the entire time doing the same thing over and over again!
Finishing in the top 1-5% All that time spent to not get the champ builds character and humility.
Battlechips! Especially when I open hundreds of thousands for nothing but gold. Units are overrated.
The AI! I love when they block for a minute straight and then suddenly intercept me like a god and nuke my healthpool
Is it a new burger or somethin?
That's literally pure pleasure 😂
Challenging fights are fun aswell, but to just kill some time I like the simple fights more.
I honestly enjoy arena. Saying that, I know that not many people are like me