Doctor Strange Synergies Bug

Ely_20Ely_20 Member Posts: 85
edited August 2022 in Bugs and Known Issues
As stated in the title, Doctor Strange synergies seem to be bugged. I’m not gaining the prowess when switching blessings (sorcerer supreme synergy), I’m not receiving +70% life steal (Mephisto synergy), and I’m sure my blessings are not +25% potent (silver surfer synergy). Please look into this. As an avid Doctor Strange user, it really hurts not having that extra oomf to make him better. Also, wouldn’t mind a Doctor Strange buff next year. Just saying. :)

Video showcasing synergy bugs in Realm of Legends:
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • Ely_20Ely_20 Member Posts: 85
    I’ve just seen that Infamous Iron Man will have a synergy with Doctor Strange. Relatedly, can we acknowledge the current Doctor Strange synergy bugs, and if a fix will be pushed out, perhaps in the next update?

    All synergies work on the other champions end (sorcerer supreme gets prowess, Mephisto gets more incinerate damage, and silver surfer has shorter power cosmic buff cooldown), but Doctor Strange gets no benefits on his end from synergies.

    Is there any information/footage I can provide to help with the fix process? Looking forward to testing that new synergy when it releases. Thanks!
  • Ely_20Ely_20 Member Posts: 85

    - Device: iPhone 11 Pro Max
    - iOS 15.6
    - MCOC Version 36.2 (Was present since 36.1 and now 36.2)
    - Carrier: T-Mobile
    - Happens when using cellular data and WiFi
    - Occurs in Story Mode, Event Quests, Arenas, Alliance Quests, Alliance Wars
    - IGN: SorcierÉcarlate
    - 6 star, rank 4 Sig 200 Doctor Strange. Occurs in all star rarities of Doctor Strange, awakened and unawakened.
    - No boosts are active in video footage. Bug still present with boosters active.

    - As previously stated, Doctor Strange synergies (with Sorcerer Supreme, Mephisto, and Silver Surfer) are not working properly on his side. Doctor Strange is not receiving his prowess buffs upon changing blessings, is not regenerating +70% health more on hit, and is not having his blessings be +25% more potent. However, it is working on the other champions' respective ends. Sorcerer Supreme IS receiving her prowess buffs, Silver Surfer IS having his power cosmic buff cooldown reduced by 3 seconds, and Mephisto IS receiving +70% more incinerate damage. Happens in all content (Alliance Quest, Event Quest, Story Quest, Arenas, Alliance Wars). All star rarities of Doctor Strange are affected by this bug.

    Will check other synergies with other champions (i.e. Ikaris, Claire Voyant, Wong, etc) and update if any other synergies are also not working properly. Thanks!
  • Ely_20Ely_20 Member Posts: 85

    Just tested out his synergies with all other champions and those with Ikaris and Symbiote Supreme are also bugged. Doctor Strange is not getting a protection buff after a weakness expires on the opponent (from launching a special 2 during Oshtur's Refuge blessing). He is also not dealing 50% of base attack as direct damage when nullifying a buff off from the opponent.

    - In total, five synergies are bugged at the moment :( (those with Sorcerer Supreme, Silver Surfer, Mephisto, Ikaris, and Symbiote Supreme). Can always provide more footage/information if necessary. Hope to see acknowledgement of these broken synergies in bug logs and eventual fixes. Thank you in advance!

    Proud owner and avid user of a 6 star rank 4 sig 200 Doctor Strange
  • JerryJiverJerryJiver Member Posts: 113
    Im also seeing this. I wanted to do some testing of synergies with iim. He does have the ability to refresh blessings with heavy. But passive prowess from sorc supreme is not activating. It did also seem to me that the life steal boost from mephisto wasn’t working.
  • Ely_20Ely_20 Member Posts: 85
    Nice to know that the synergy with Infamous Iron Man is working @JerryJiver. Can’t wait to test it out myself. Thanks for posting, as now I know that someone else too is experiencing problems with his synergies.
  • Ely_20Ely_20 Member Posts: 85
    Would like to see this bug added to Trello. Have posted footage with relevant information and no acknowledgment as of yet. Please look into this.
  • Ely_20Ely_20 Member Posts: 85
    Replying yet again for the third time (c’mon Kabam), hoping it gets noticed so it can be eventually fixed. I know it’s not a widespread bug affecting many players, but if the Stryfe-Hood bugged synergy can be acknowledged (in Trello) and fixed, so can this one!!! Doctor strange synergies with Mephisto and Sorcerer Supreme are not working. It’s been like that since 36.1. Can this be acknowledged and looked into?
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    Really sad that some amount of glossing over happens just because a champion isn't "new and money generating".

    Hopefully they'll fix Strange and all of this. He deserves better. He's still not even got his promised 12.0 fix.
  • JerryJiverJerryJiver Member Posts: 113
    I still don’t see a trello card for this issue. It’s very easily reproducible and op has given very clear documentation on the problem. Dr strange could be so much more viable with working synergies. Could this please be added to trello?
  • JerryJiverJerryJiver Member Posts: 113
    My dr strange is crying some very manly tears because he has checked trello and still doesn’t see a card for this issue. :(
  • Ely_20Ely_20 Member Posts: 85
    Same here. Just checked in game and the issue still persists. Some acknowledgment would be very much appreciated. Hoping it’s added to Trello and looked into.
  • Ely_20Ely_20 Member Posts: 85
    Reviving this from two months ago. Video evidence is posted in this thread. Issue is STILL persisting in current update. Any update on when/if this will be looked into?
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