v36.3 QoL Updates - Coming Oct 3, 2022



  • Wolviedrone97Wolviedrone97 Member Posts: 187
    Like I said it's nice to have Qol updates but I'm still having my inputs frozen when I try and bait out a heavy... but an alliance mate isn't having the same issue and I think it has to do with the money he spends on the game?
  • nOuxnOux Member Posts: 522 ★★★
    edited September 2022
    Hi Kabam Zero, like always stellar QoL updates.
    I want to ask for one small QoL feature, can we get timer on active Battlegrounds 48H solo objective? Because right now there is only timer for upcoming objective after you complete it, but it has not timer when objective is active.
    It can get rly confusing when people dont know how much time left for uncompleted objective before it resets to new one.
  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    Love the QOL additions every month! Thanks for those. Here's a list of some other stuff I'd love to see:

    1) mentioned this last month and was told it's being looked into, so I'll just add it as a reminder. It'd be nice if in a quest that has champion or any gates like the side quest does, we can tap and drag on the little champion profile pic at the top of the champion screen so we don't have to search for that champ in our roster.

    2) show us sig level on the champions screen or at least show it when I tap on the champion once.

    3) give us an account switcher in game

    4) if I tap on a member to kick, show their name in the confirmation popup so I don't have to second guess kicking the wrong person

    5) let us hide/archive items in inventory. i don't want to keep seeing modok labs randomizers and the name change token I will never use, or the act 6 boosts. especially with so many item types, the screen fills us fast

    6) break apart the rank up filter on the champions screen into two. a) champs I can actually rank (blue arrow) and b) champs at max level that I can't rank yet (grey arrow)

  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,750 ★★★★★
    While we re at it, can we also get rid of this annoying "rank rewards locked" screen in solo/alliance etc events and arenas? The same information is written on top of the rank rewards list, with the lock and the red border!
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  • ProfessorGProfessorG Member Posts: 78

    @Kabam Zero while I like that quick claim option for the Daily/4hr crystal and it is in the step in the right direction but I would like to suggest another option to consider in the future (specifically for the Daily crystal). While I am very active in this game, being on top of claiming the Daily is not easy to do. You pretty much have to set a reminder timer to claim or you will let hours if not half the day to go by before you remember to claim. It's not ideal and this crystal (particular the Paragon Daily) has ton a value in it. I would love to see this Daily crystal put into the monthly calendar as a secondary item or just in its own special calendar so if you are logged in at any point of the day, you get it and it's autoclaimed with the other calendar items.

    I've been Paragon Day 1 (May 2, 2022). It's now September 26th, thus 148 days since Paragon has been around and I've accumulated/opened 137 Paragon Daily crystals. This means I've lost out on 11 full days of crystals in about half a year because I wasn't around at the exact time or didn't remember to go and click the Daily claim button on the Home Screen right away but I've surely been in the game and active doing Alliance events (AW/AQ), questing, arena, incursions, etc all thru-out the day.

    Having the Daily put in a calendar would just seem very simple to do since that functionality is already built into the game and would be huge QoL win for all the players. Please consider making this happen 🤘🏼

    So I talked with the team about this issue. To me at least, the core of the issue is that functionally the 24h crystal cannot be claimed every 24h. We aren't really a fan of the calendar for this crystal as we do like the interactive nature of the button to "check in" versus the more passive nature of the calendar. Also, many people don't actually look at what's in the calendar and just click past it.

    However, as you point out these crystals are very valuable and we would like to make them easier to interact with. To this end, we will be changing the refresh time of the 24h crystal to instead be 23 hours. This should make it so that if you roughly log into the game at the same time each day you will be getting the daily crystal every day. Since this is something we just decided to do today, it won't make it by the release of 36.3 but instead will come into effect sometime after so keep an eye on your inbox as we will be announcing it there when it is in-game.

    Love to see the incredible responsiveness to the player base! This is a fantastic improvement! No more feel bads when you can just not stay up any longer to claim that crystal for the day.
  • stephen8992stephen8992 Member Posts: 38
    could we get a feature where we can see how many of one crystal we have in the popup when you get a crystal?
  • Ghost_FanGhost_Fan Member Posts: 273 ★★★
    One other quality of life change would be to better organize all the crystals we have (or even better if we could rearrange them ourselves). We could have some more categories like:

    Catalysts Category:
    AQ Map 1-8 Crystals
    T1-5 Class Catalysts Crystals
    T1-5 Class Catalysts Fragments Crystals

    Boost-Sigs Category:
    Solo-Greater Solo- Supreme Solo Crystals
    2-6* Signature Stone Crystals
    Arena-Greater Arena Boost Crystal
    Awakening Crystals

    Champion Crystals:
    Featured Crystals
    Cavalier Crystals
    Maybe the special monthly crystals as well and every shard crystal like mythic etc

    Arena Crystals
    Alliance Crystals
    Gold Crystals
    Quest Crystals

    Misc Crystals:
    Every crystal that doesnt fit in the above categories

    Or maybe all the alliance related crystals could have a tab on their own
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022
    This all looks good to me.

    RIP to the 900 odd stupid quest crystals I can finally do something about!

    That reminds me, could we pleeeease have a basic ISO trade in store to turn the hundreds of 75 basic iso into something remotely usable for anything more than a 3* champ or let us upgrade directly from stash :wink:
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★
    Can you please move the miscellaneous revives (AQ/AW/etc) to the potions tab instead of the other tab they are in?
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★

    @Kabam Zero I have a QOL suggestion. I’d love to see in the champion filters in the champions tab an option to sort by awakened vs unawakened champs that you own.

    Sort of like how if you want to see what champs you don’t have you can click unowned in the sort filters. So if I was wanting to see what champs I’d hope to awaken in the future maybe with a gem or one of the next crystals I open I could just click on that sort option to see who all isn’t awakened without just scrolling through all my champs.

    Currently you’d have to just scroll through your roster and look at who you have that aren’t awakened mixed in amongst the rest, or you’d have to click on an awakening gem (if you have one) and make sure you don’t accidentally use it when you’re just trying to look at the options. I think this addition to sorting would just make that a little easier.

    Just a suggestion but I’d love to hear your thoughts.

    @AlecFantastic Just sort by sig ability and when you have it from lowest to highest the unawakened are all at the beginning.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,837 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022
    Crine60 said:

    If you can fix the sorting of the sig stones in inventory and also the overflow icon in the inventory screen it would be appreciated. Currently my stones are in different places depending on the amount of sig levels they add instead of arranging them that way within their given class. Some generic and class stones are lower down in the list than the other ones of the same class. Also, the overflow icon is too close to the regular items and needs moved over some so it doesn't overlap the item icons.

    Yes, please help to organize the sig stones . I’d rather all classes be bundled together instead of having +1 Stones separate from +5 stones.

    Also, can I suggest putting the sig stones above the awakening gems since those get used a lot more?

    Great to see the other QOL changes coming this month.
  • Kabam ZeroKabam Zero Moderator Posts: 165
    Crine60 said:

    Can you please move the miscellaneous revives (AQ/AW/etc) to the potions tab instead of the other tab they are in?

    This was a bug. It is fixed but I'm not certain if it will be this release or the next.
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  • L0rd3NL0rd3N Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2022

    Gree’s the link!
    And with that, it’s time for me to sign off. I hope these changes will improve your daily life in the contest and as always, please let me know what you think or what other changes you’d like to see implemented.


    A great addition would be the inclusion of a toggle on the stash screen to select all items that are in red and that are about to be removed.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,508 ★★★★
    Curious any chance we can have items removed from our inventory that were from past events that we didn't use and are taking up space?
  • TreyboneTreybone Member Posts: 25
    Let's not forget the help all button we've been patiently waiting for
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,184 ★★★★★
    @kabam zero

    Little QoL request. Can we see the sig level of the champions without having to click the champion one by one?

    Sorting out a battlegroup’s offence/defence will be easier to manage

  • Mukesh5445Mukesh5445 Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2022

    Select All ISO Toggle in Upgrade Screen

    Quick Free Crystal Claim toggle


    Select all ISO Toggle and Quick free crystal claim such a amazing upgrade 👌
  • MagonusMagonus Member Posts: 530 ★★★
    Thank-you so much for adding Select All ISO Toggle in Upgrade Screen. I asked for that in a post a while back. Also, Quick Free Crystal Claim toggle..... love it! Thanks Team Kabam !
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,750 ★★★★★
    The "select all" feature doesn't work all the time, you have to uncheck and re check it every time, and sometimes they are selected half of the iso or a part of it.
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,878 ★★★★★
    edited October 2022
    @Kabam Zero

    After opening a crystal and clicking "return to crystals" menu, instead of scrolling to the next available crystal, it drops you at the top of the crystal menu now. Is this intended?
  • IliphasIliphas Member Posts: 49
    edited October 2022

    And with that, it’s time for me to sign off. I hope these changes will improve your daily life in the contest and as always, please let me know what you think or what other changes you’d like to see implemented.

    I would really like to see the "always on" button on the prefight ability. I explain. At one time, I used Diablo almost constantly on alliance quests and it was extremely annoying that I had to constantly turn on the ability to nullify every fight. It seems to me that for Diablo it would be ideal, but there is also, for example, Venompool or Mister Fantastic.
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  • Kibble001Kibble001 Member Posts: 58
    Lol. This post went from…here is an fyi to help you understand what is in the update…to…everyone spam developers with what you want. Classy. There is a whole section for suggestion posts..
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★
    Kibble001 said:

    Lol. This post went from…here is an fyi to help you understand what is in the update…to…everyone spam developers with what you want. Classy. There is a whole section for suggestion posts..

    Try reading the first post from Zero before criticizing other people here for giving suggestions. He explicitly asks for us to give suggestions in this thread....... Real classy to go after other people for doing what they are asked to do and then also telling them to put things in a different place than where Zero asked for it.

  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,329 ★★★★★
    how exactly does this quick collect claim thing work? it doesn't claim them on the home screen when available for me. i still have to go into crystals and claim.
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