List of outdated things in game

Please join in below me but:
arenas rank rewards are extremely outdated.
Sunday arena is maybe the longest thing thats gone without a buff, everything on there screams 2019 rewards.
arenas rank rewards are extremely outdated.
Sunday arena is maybe the longest thing thats gone without a buff, everything on there screams 2019 rewards.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Health potions in general IMO. As higher tier champs with more health come out, I personally think health pots should be standardized to % based healing.
Game in general needs to be updated past Cavalier/Thronebreaker progression in a number of areas (crystals, crystal discounts, crystal shard login calendar, reward tiers, difficulty levels).
And probably the most outdated thing in the game IMO would be the pop-up offers. Kabam needs to just introduce the best QoL update and get rid of those. They're laughably bad 100% of the time.
Sunday arena was updated with the arena update. Won’t say it was recent but it was updated.
Summoner advancement rewards
War victory crystals
Arena top rewards
Catalyst arenas
The difficulty of eq
Cav crystals
And basically everything else that still has cavalier in it's name
Avenger use too(maybe it's fine idk)
At best, updated so it contains more.
Pay 10k battlechips to enter an area in which you get zero t4cc from milestones lol
They also need to implement the paragon black iso market for the sigil. Include a further discount for the feature and discounted dual class crystals (similar purchase limits).
If I strike out on EoP and war rewards, I’m kinda stuck.
2 - AQ -> Currently probably the most hated game mode, a chore ppl hate to do it every single day its active.. they should make less fights and maybe increase the dificulty, and make it less days, 5 is too much! Rewards need revamping as well.
3 - Masteries -> We should have more buff/debuff based masteries aside from bleed (deep wounds) and fury! Maybe poison, shock, incinerate, armor break...along with other stuff
4 - Sunday and catalyst arenas -> Rewards need revamping, could be a great move to add Collector Crystals and 2* Sig Stones to the milestones!! Also, on catalyst arenas, allow us to use 6* for more points plz, its just 2 cb4 and 3 a1 come on... let us finish that **** with less fights plz.. and put more milestones with more catalysts maybe? Collector crystals are hunted for many players with the desire to max out their 2* and they arent available anywhere!
5 - Alliance 3 day events - These are VERY outdated and need a buff in rewards, maybe create diferent ones.. kinda like play incursions of something, idk
My spare energy go in *cough* act5.3.