Mordo is underrated as an attacker

A picture is worth a thousand words

1. Can gain lots of buff quickly.
2. Can block unblockable specials
3. Immune to passive aar
4. Soul barb - a) deals great damage per buff on opponent. Unique way of punishing buff.
b) reduces regen rate by 80% making mordo great regen counter
5. Great regen on sp3
1. Against non buff champs
Heavy charge> intercept opponent's dash with sp1(you will reach sp1 very quickly on heavy charge) > watch out if opponent has specials active then let opponent use that. Repeat heavy charging and sp1 spamming.
You may sometimes throw sp3 for gaining 3 additional furies or a chance at great regen when on low health.
2. Against buff heavy champs or where regen needs to be controlled
Sp2> as much as heavy charge and intercepting opponents with sp1 possible till soul barb lasts>sp2 to activate soul barb. Repeat
A picture is worth a thousand words

1. Can gain lots of buff quickly.
2. Can block unblockable specials
3. Immune to passive aar
4. Soul barb - a) deals great damage per buff on opponent. Unique way of punishing buff.
b) reduces regen rate by 80% making mordo great regen counter
5. Great regen on sp3
1. Against non buff champs
Heavy charge> intercept opponent's dash with sp1(you will reach sp1 very quickly on heavy charge) > watch out if opponent has specials active then let opponent use that. Repeat heavy charging and sp1 spamming.
You may sometimes throw sp3 for gaining 3 additional furies or a chance at great regen when on low health.
2. Against buff heavy champs or where regen needs to be controlled
Sp2> as much as heavy charge and intercepting opponents with sp1 possible till soul barb lasts>sp2 to activate soul barb. Repeat
1. Terrax - really nice to have guaranteed evade on heavy charging (25s cooldwon) makes the gameplay lot easier and kinda reminds me of mr negative lol
2. Odin- thrudstok prefight for more fury damage
My r4 mordo takes ws a non buff champ with about 44 hits on average without the above synergies. With those 37 hit.
I have had to take a few hits on face bcoz of that
Even if u just throw Sp1 in block sometimes there's enough time for the defender to punish that
Suppose say peni parker, check her block proficiency. Now tell me does her block sucks? Answer is no. When her sync shield is active she doesn't take any block damage.
Some champions have extremely low block proficiency but they are given some extra mechanics to balance that. Like sync shield for peni, highest energy resistance for mordo etc.
I use him a lot I don't feel much trouble blocking and taking damage.
Btw mine is unawakened so i am very much missing that huge energy resistance, I hope to get a dupe of mordo.
Also, Mordo is good option fo BG