Justice for Purgatory

Purgatory has arguably the coolest animations in the entire game, she feels super smooth to play and her special attacks are some of the most brutal and savage that I’ve seen.
However her animations are wasted due to her lacklustre usage within the game. Why waste such potential on such a cool champion when so much effort went into making such amazing animations.
Do you guys agree?
Let me know how you think purgatory should be made better.
Purgatory was my first r5 Mystic, and to this day-my last. I remember within 1 hour I took her and Psycho man both to r5
But, now I have 6* r4 Psycho man, while her... still just a 5*.
I'm all with u, she is so wasted! Only soul cross fight thats good is the Mutant one and the dmg is bad too.
She needs a better nullify... she needs to be able to do incinerates in base state and in Demonic rampage inflict Demonic Incenerate/Hell fire, which will be passive and deal a lot of dmg
She should inflict the exact same Degan of her sp2 on each sp2 hit, or at least inflict an additional degan for each soul...
Make the souls permanent
And change a lot of them...
I hope the new Kabam og will be Purgatory's secret lover, who too turned into a demon and looks like her and basically will be Male Purgatory but actually good and give her a good synergy
And yeah I've just made it up