Where is SA rewards

It has been over a day now and still SA rewards as you can see from pictures we put over 1mil points in SA and I'm not the only in alliance that has not received rewards @Kabam Jax @Kabam Miike any help or news would be much appreciated thanks
Kabam gave us so much with this "Banquet", (Abyss) Nexus Crystals, Rank.up materials, iso, gold... what more can we ask??
Thank you Kabam!! And Happy New Year!!
(For what it’s worth, only curious on a possible small update, beyond that the personal expectation is that the rewards aren’t gonna be distributed anytime soon, or at all. ) 🤷♂️
In all seriousness though, SA isn't even really worth much these days like it used to be. It need overhauled in a big way.
And you mentioned a sever issue...3 days for a weekly event, lmao, guy tell me you work for kabam without telling me you work for kabam
This has happened multiple times this month! GIVE US THE DAMN REWARDS WE EARNED!
Today is a holiday and the studio is closed. Rest assured we'll get this looked at first thing tomorrow!
Hope everyone had a good holiday.