Absorbing man completely busted on defense

This guy is gonna get nerfed on defense because holy hell lmao just saw him take down 50% hp off ghost in one blocked hit, while surviving off his regen the whole time
And that's ignoring his busted regen.
2. Just use heal block or poison there's a lot of different options nowadays.
Note: the issue here is probably that in refined forms his burst bonus damage gets multiplied by 3x is critical damage modifier which itself is about 135%, and in Black Uru form burst damage and crits can trigger through block. So blocking him while he is in refined Uru is not a good idea.
2. He IS busted 💀 you can't be serious. Ignoring his insanely high physical/energy resist (over 8000) and OP refined forms, Namor's regen after specials was 6% of max health and it got nerfed. His is 30%. And before you say bring healblock/petrify champions, you know damn well most of them won't counter him and the ones that will (mainly science) will take about 2minutes to do so bar a few.
2. Never said he didn’t need a tune down. Calling him completely busted is dramatic however.
I think there are one of two champions who can do that....🤔
again... try to understand the champion... I'm not saying he is not hard to fight... he is... but he has counters... you just have to try harder... he is not a simple Ghost fight... especially with the AI lately... but it is very doable
You already have to deal with his regen and unprecedentedly high physical & energy resist, 8 seconds isn't a big ask.
If you do it like that you don't ever have to worry about him hitting into your block.
Spider ham also works really well too..same strategy, just using poppers
1. Namor's regen triggers on every special attack. On attack, Absorbing Man's regen only triggers when consuming morph charges, so far less frequently. Granted, it becomes the same frequency, just about, on defense.
2. Namor's regen is part of his core kit, full power right from the start. Absorbing Man's regen is tied to his sig ability, and the potency grows with the sig level.
That said, the disparity between the two, especially on defense, is certainly notable. I'd not be surprised to see Absorbing Man's regen toned down a bit, or at the very least have it adjusted to trigger less frequently on defense.
Using that situation as an example of why AM's regen on defense should be changed is ridiculous and disingenuous at best. That same round of balancing saw Torch get buffed and IW get nothing, it's not exactly a strong arguement for why anything should happen again. AM has ways to shut him down regardless of who you're using built into his kit on purpose, use them.