Removal of Revive Farming and the Apothecary Discussion



  • Asim38Asim38 Member Posts: 197 ★★
    Buttehrs said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    Mauled said:

    As I've said before I'm wholeheartedly against this change for a few reasons. I'm going to focus on the two that I believe are the most significant.

    1 - The potion/revive market has been in dire need of an overhaul for years, but especially in the last year or two since our champions have been hitting R3/4 and now R5. In order to revive and fully heal an un-boosted R4 costs something like 120 units, depending on the health pool, and even more if the champion is boosted. As the potion economy currently stands cases it's actually worth allowing boosts to expire - depending on the boosts you're using -before healing a champion. Using the free potions from 4 hour crystals it takes an average of about 10 crystals to heal a champion from a 40% revive (assuming you're a Paragon), using the lv3 from RoL it takes about 15 or so.

    The potion situation being so ludicrous is one of the reasons that revives are farmed in the way that they are: players can't afford to spend the units to heal their champions up, or have the time to spend hours and hours farming RoL for lv3 potions to heal. It's far more efficient to just farm revives and use 20% revives.

    Solution: Health potions should be % based, starting with 10% for lv1, up to a 60% heal for lv6.

    2 - Difficult content is being designed to make you revive. If you look at AoL upon release that was a piece of content that came with a hard ceiling on the amount of damage that you could do per hit - 85k - and a hard ceiling on the amount of hits you could do, depending on the power level of the champion ~240 hits. Unless you're using someone like Prof X, or Stryfe using a heavy-only playstyle soloing any of the fights was next to impossible, and it still is for many of the champions in the game no matter what their power level is now. This is a design philosophy that has continued into the Carinas Challenges, V1 was full of punitive challenges like the Star Lord challenge which is impossible to do without an enormous amount of revives, V2 isn't quite as bad though the Carina's Challengers challenge is still a revive fiesta. Carina V3 was designed to force you to revive multiple times per fight - there's only one of the Challenges where Peni isn't a total revive fiesta (CMM), for example.

    Solution: The design philosophy needs to change. There's a difference between hard and impossible content. Much of Carina V3, AoL (At least on release) is impossible content and people just aren't keen on the idea of spending 2-3k units to do a challenge or a single line in a quest.

    Completely agree @Mauled. Great points.

    The revive farm is a consequence of negligence of reviewing the potion ecosystem and making sure that a reasonable amount of account potions are available in endgame content. I’m not talking about ground breaking things here but a revive every other quest on a single line that doesn’t refresh would be a huge upgrade. Including heal pots that are relevant to the story content. This doesn’t meant L3 (1500 go revives in TB difficulty, gtfoh with that) but maybe L5s on an Act8 line. Another option would be to changed pots to % based pots, then maybe a L1 might be something of relevance to all players. Rather than less than 1% of a 6star R5 HP… again gtfoh with that.

    Additionally it’s a consequence of unreasonable objectives that aren’t designed to be challenging yet fun like EoP but instead are design to consume resources in punishing fashion that requires a level of Masochism to push through, as you know that no amount of skill makes that content possible
    People used the same excuse for spamming the Act 1 Rev.
    Please explain how this is a relevant comment to the ideas presented here, because it’s not it’s a derailment if reasonable ideas, and it shouldn’t be allowed
    How does something from years ago relate to current potions not being useful or content that is designed to consume more potions than you can carry? It wasn’t relevant to either point being discussed, it’s a derailment, you are derailing those 2 ideas with your comment. So I’d like us to go back to those 2 ideas if you’d like to continue discussions with me, otherwise Good Afternoon.
    How does something that was for newer Players being milked relate to something that was for newer Players being milked now? Do I need to explain that?
    The same justifications were being used, the percentage, the content, the bugs, the P2W.....
    Except that’s not the conversation you are quoting. Do I need to explain that? Moving on…
    Yes it was. The conversation was justifying the farming situation with the state of Revives. The reality is, wherever Players can find an easy advantage, they'll take full advantage. Which is fine, unless it becomes a problem. It's become a problem.
    Wrong. The problem is kabam creating content that requires massive amounts of revives and then saying you can't farm said revives. You must pay for them with cash/units. That's their problem. Not ours.
    Yup! This is essentially changing the game into a non-free-to-play friendly. In my opinion, it would be fair to assess the average number of revives used on said "hard" content. Add about 20% to account for MODDERS who plow through everything using zero revives. This should become the new limit for revives in inventory. Also, why do revives and health potions expire in 14 days instead of 30? The incursion revives and potions expire in 30 days and so should generic ones.

    There are a lot of comments here. This thread is building up really fast. By the time I finish typing this out, there will be another page lol. So I am sure this has been said already but we use farmed 20% revives. The remaining 80% comes from health potions. Hard content is mostly cleared using 6 star R3 or R4 champs. That is around 40-50k health pool on average. Lets say 50k. So you need 40k health pool to replenish after a 20% revive. The most commonly farmable health potion is the L3 pot from ROL. No one is farming those anymore. That's way too much effort. Then you have the L4 pot from 22h events. Those are 5k hp so 8 for a full health bar. Not easy to come by BUT you can get them from 22h events as well as 4h Free Crystals!

    On the Free Crystals! The drop rate for ENERGY REFILLS from these free crystals is quite high. Which if revive farming is nerfed, what are we using these energy refills on? This change also diminishes the value of energy refills.

    P.S. Percentage based health potions are long overdue. No one is using the L1 or L2 health potions for anything else but taking space in inventory and stash.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Dofygtj said:

    Buttehrs said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    Mauled said:

    As I've said before I'm wholeheartedly against this change for a few reasons. I'm going to focus on the two that I believe are the most significant.

    1 - The potion/revive market has been in dire need of an overhaul for years, but especially in the last year or two since our champions have been hitting R3/4 and now R5. In order to revive and fully heal an un-boosted R4 costs something like 120 units, depending on the health pool, and even more if the champion is boosted. As the potion economy currently stands cases it's actually worth allowing boosts to expire - depending on the boosts you're using -before healing a champion. Using the free potions from 4 hour crystals it takes an average of about 10 crystals to heal a champion from a 40% revive (assuming you're a Paragon), using the lv3 from RoL it takes about 15 or so.

    The potion situation being so ludicrous is one of the reasons that revives are farmed in the way that they are: players can't afford to spend the units to heal their champions up, or have the time to spend hours and hours farming RoL for lv3 potions to heal. It's far more efficient to just farm revives and use 20% revives.

    Solution: Health potions should be % based, starting with 10% for lv1, up to a 60% heal for lv6.

    2 - Difficult content is being designed to make you revive. If you look at AoL upon release that was a piece of content that came with a hard ceiling on the amount of damage that you could do per hit - 85k - and a hard ceiling on the amount of hits you could do, depending on the power level of the champion ~240 hits. Unless you're using someone like Prof X, or Stryfe using a heavy-only playstyle soloing any of the fights was next to impossible, and it still is for many of the champions in the game no matter what their power level is now. This is a design philosophy that has continued into the Carinas Challenges, V1 was full of punitive challenges like the Star Lord challenge which is impossible to do without an enormous amount of revives, V2 isn't quite as bad though the Carina's Challengers challenge is still a revive fiesta. Carina V3 was designed to force you to revive multiple times per fight - there's only one of the Challenges where Peni isn't a total revive fiesta (CMM), for example.

    Solution: The design philosophy needs to change. There's a difference between hard and impossible content. Much of Carina V3, AoL (At least on release) is impossible content and people just aren't keen on the idea of spending 2-3k units to do a challenge or a single line in a quest.

    Completely agree @Mauled. Great points.

    The revive farm is a consequence of negligence of reviewing the potion ecosystem and making sure that a reasonable amount of account potions are available in endgame content. I’m not talking about ground breaking things here but a revive every other quest on a single line that doesn’t refresh would be a huge upgrade. Including heal pots that are relevant to the story content. This doesn’t meant L3 (1500 go revives in TB difficulty, gtfoh with that) but maybe L5s on an Act8 line. Another option would be to changed pots to % based pots, then maybe a L1 might be something of relevance to all players. Rather than less than 1% of a 6star R5 HP… again gtfoh with that.

    Additionally it’s a consequence of unreasonable objectives that aren’t designed to be challenging yet fun like EoP but instead are design to consume resources in punishing fashion that requires a level of Masochism to push through, as you know that no amount of skill makes that content possible
    People used the same excuse for spamming the Act 1 Rev.
    Please explain how this is a relevant comment to the ideas presented here, because it’s not it’s a derailment if reasonable ideas, and it shouldn’t be allowed
    How does something from years ago relate to current potions not being useful or content that is designed to consume more potions than you can carry? It wasn’t relevant to either point being discussed, it’s a derailment, you are derailing those 2 ideas with your comment. So I’d like us to go back to those 2 ideas if you’d like to continue discussions with me, otherwise Good Afternoon.
    How does something that was for newer Players being milked relate to something that was for newer Players being milked now? Do I need to explain that?
    The same justifications were being used, the percentage, the content, the bugs, the P2W.....
    Except that’s not the conversation you are quoting. Do I need to explain that? Moving on…
    Yes it was. The conversation was justifying the farming situation with the state of Revives. The reality is, wherever Players can find an easy advantage, they'll take full advantage. Which is fine, unless it becomes a problem. It's become a problem.
    Wrong. The problem is kabam creating content that requires massive amounts of revives and then saying you can't farm said revives. You must pay for them with cash/units. That's their problem. Not ours.
    It's everyone's problem. Aside from the fact that the design needs to evolve over time to match that farming, as the game is created in part by the data results, it's also a case of people not being patient enough. You don't need to farm like mad to do content. You can save Resources and wait. Yet people are in the habit of wanting to do it the second it comes out.
    Whilst quick enough to blame the player base for not being patient ( kabams side as usual )
    You forget that we are enticed to complete new content by kabam, ie. new summoner levels with even better rewards, better aq levels with higher prestige, defender diversity by having as many great and different defender at a high level, battle grounds needing more and more champs at a high level to suit there latest mods. So YOURE WRONG
    To the best of my knowledge, Kabam doesn't push Players to do anything. They design the game for everyone to play at the level they choose, at their own pace. There are various incentives to progress, like Titles, but they're not pushing anyone to run right out and do it right away. Even less so to take advantage of Resources that are there for Players starting out.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    As much as this is a Public Forum some people need to be ignored, why are people who don't even attempt Everest content have an opinion on how to approach it...
    This decision is really weird... People who were stuck in Cav will have hard time to get to TB...
    I have been saying that if they are stuck is cause they don't care.. they only cared about saving units for 4th of July and CM, used the Seatin example of a F2P new account to TB in less than a month, the response was "Well seatin is skilled and not a brand new player"... I guess tables are turned and now their response its gonna be.. "Well u don't need to farm revives, Seatin did it in 1 month..."
  • Lee99Lee99 Member Posts: 97
    I guess they can't take down so many voices. That is also one other thing they keep delete players post.

    I am not the most skilled player in the game but I try to play as much as possible because I work from home. The time and money to do arenas and then 100 all the quests and BG and AQ an AW it is a luxury.
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    Mackey said:

    Mackey said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    37v417 said:

    What a disgusting money grab. Shame on you, you vultures.

    How much are you planning on increasing your spending after this change? Because I wasn't planning on spending more because of this change. How exactly is this going to make money? Who's going to be spending more?
    This is just wrong DNA. Do you not remember before the revive path? In most cases, it was drop an Odin or don't complete the content. This is an awful change.
    I have never spent cash to complete any content in the game. I have no plans to start any time soon.
    Bro, you haven’t completed any content.
    I'm sorry: who are you again, and what have you done that I'm supposed to care about?
    That’s a pretty rude and disrespectful response. Doesn’t seem within the forums guidelines to be so toxic towards another player.
    Considering the comment that preceded it, it's pretty appropriate.
    Fighting fire with fire just creates a bigger fire 😉
    We're all human, and if you try to call someone out and they respond in a less than kind manner, it's no surprise.
    Should just be the bigger person. Spewing back venom solves nothing, take what they said and prove them wrong or don't even entertain them
    He was obviously very frustrated. I wouldn't judge DNA off of the one venomous comment he has pretty much ever made. There are many here would would have resorted to those kinds of comments immediately. 999/1000 DNA has proven to be the bigger person, that is very noteworthy in a place like MCOC forums.

    Be kind, and don't be rude to him because you don't know what he is going through.
    Oh I wasn't judging anyone off of anything I was just merely wanting to get across that fighting fire with fire (in general) just creates a bigger problem.

    Got to agree with you though, I've never seen DNA react that way either in the couple years I've been here
  • Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 188
    I’d be interested to know across how many players the 100k to 300k revives are farmed daily given how big the playerbase is
  • SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    Has there been any update about this yet?
    Like are they adjusting the apothecary thing to give better resources?
  • ama20009ama20009 Member Posts: 20
    To be honest I don’t care about 3.2.6 because I don’t get revive or energy refill I don’t know it’s bug or glitch but I have one place I always farming I want to say it but I’m scared from kabam to nerf it
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Soooooo any thoughts Kabam? 👀
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★

    Mackey said:

    Mackey said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    37v417 said:

    What a disgusting money grab. Shame on you, you vultures.

    How much are you planning on increasing your spending after this change? Because I wasn't planning on spending more because of this change. How exactly is this going to make money? Who's going to be spending more?
    This is just wrong DNA. Do you not remember before the revive path? In most cases, it was drop an Odin or don't complete the content. This is an awful change.
    I have never spent cash to complete any content in the game. I have no plans to start any time soon.
    Bro, you haven’t completed any content.
    I'm sorry: who are you again, and what have you done that I'm supposed to care about?
    That’s a pretty rude and disrespectful response. Doesn’t seem within the forums guidelines to be so toxic towards another player.
    Considering the comment that preceded it, it's pretty appropriate.
    Fighting fire with fire just creates a bigger fire 😉
    We're all human, and if you try to call someone out and they respond in a less than kind manner, it's no surprise.
    Should just be the bigger person. Spewing back venom solves nothing, take what they said and prove them wrong or don't even entertain them
    Why is the 'stay holy ' attitude only towards people like DNA and GW? GW gets insulted a LOT. He has never engaged in that manner even slightly as far as I've seen anyway.

    The response DNA got doesn't deserve any respectful response .
    I'm sorry but you've taken what I've said out of context, that could of been you and Miike for all I care, I was just saying it solves nothing, irrespective of who it was geared toward.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,307 Guardian

    Has there been any update about this yet?
    Like are they adjusting the apothecary thing to give better resources?

    No update besides what Jax said on page 11 I think. Even then that was just, we will consider making changes but no promises.
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    If Apothecary daily quest will still come to the game please just put in easy mode 2 lvl 1 revives (completion and exploration),
    and in hard mode 2 lvl 2 revives (completion and exploration) with nodes that give a 55% chance to give lvl 4 potion with a 45% chance of lvl 3 revive
    anyone who thinks there are different set of rewards they want to add for Apothecary please comment below
    p.s please also change lvl 3(maybe), lvl 4 and lvl 5 health pots to have percentage instead of 1,600 , 5,000 and 10,000
  • UnforgvnUnforgvn Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2023
    What if Kaban did something like an energy store? It could go something like this

    1x lvl 5 health potion for 70 energy - 4x daily limit
    1x lvl 4 team health potion for 70 energy - 4x daily
    1x lvl 2 revive for 70 energy - 4x daily
    1x lvl 1 team revive for 140 energy - 1x every 5 days
    14x small energy refill for 70 energy - 1x daily

    Fairly simple and straightforward.
    Based on progression.
This discussion has been closed.