Is Battlegrounds causing you to feel burnt out?

Since BGs were introduced I feel like a lot of players have shifted away from playing mcoc. The first season was fun and challenging but since then it feels like a really time consuming chore. I know many people have decided to stop playing and I feel this is a major reason. I don’t want the game to die out of course so hopefully kabam can really really lessen the playtime for bgs.
Just wanted to see where others stand on the amount of time BGs takes, thanks.
Just wanted to see where others stand on the amount of time BGs takes, thanks.
Is Battlegrounds causing you to feel burnt out? 178 votes
Yes it requires too much playtime
129 votes
No I enjoy the amount of playtime it takes
49 votes
It makes absolutely no sense and has cause me total and complete burnout in this mode.
Please try to make adjustments to it next season, starting one tier lower than you finished the prior season would be great for victory track purposes. If needed change the energy/elder mark amounts to coincide with these changes.
Thank you for reading.
Just shows how the truth hurts...@Kabam whoever 🤢
Is it Possible to get some type of update here even if it’s vague lol
A fix similar to what you suggest regarding tiered starts to each season is being worked.
It's just exhausting to fall back to square one every season and have to claw your way back up. It also feels like things have gotten much harder in the last few seasons. I used to be able to reach the gladiator's circuit in about 2 weeks for the first few seasons, but I'm struggling now. There was a point where I had about a 90% loss ratio over about 20 matches, which is just absurd considering how well I used to be doing (about 50/50 win/loss).
Battlegrounds definitely tests out more than just your contest skills.