"We recognize that there is getting to be too much for a casual summoner to complete in a month"

How can you follow up this statement with 2 of the most complicated side quests we've seen in some time? The side quest is supposed to be just that, on the side, auxiliary. It's becoming the main focus of rewards and effort each month. I think I speak for alot of us here, based on what I'm seeing in the forums, when I say we do not enjoy laborious side events.
Last side quest was just incursions, there's nothing complicated about that. If your argument is you don't like incursions then sure, but that doesn't make them complicated. Couple that with there being no actual incursions last month, it was actually on the lower end of content heavy.
If you didn’t follow all of that, you missed out on almost all the r4 mats.
Any side quest in which a player that knows nothing and can just plow into it and still likely get the optimal rewards for the quest (presuming they can complete the fights) is not very complex in my opinion. Side quests where you have to figure out what to do at all have higher complexity in my opinion, not the least because in some cases you have to make a proper decision on day one. In this quest, any player who has no idea what's going on loses nothing if they just sit it out for a couple days until someone else explains it to them.
- You don't have to do anything on day one if you're confused
- You can do the logical thing and just run the highest difficulty in your wheelhouse blindly, at least for a long while
- The extra details only matter to unlocking downstream options, none of which can be done "wrong" by the player
That's a side quest that has details, but is not burdensomely complex. It is the difference between hiking a tricky path, and navigating a complex maze.
Do rewards on each path are one time obtainable, or we can repeat a path and obtain the rewards again (something like a store side quest)?
Anyone knows?