I’m losing my mind fighting Doc Oc in Cavalier EQ

I understand he power-drains the attacker on every hit as he gains an armor up. This is dealing ridiculous amounts of damage and took out my full team easily. Do I have anything in my roster to counter this ? I can’t see anything obvious I can use.
Any help appreciated massively

Any help appreciated massively

These are some champs needed: Terrax, Galan, hulkling, venom, venompool, King groot etc, You can try falcon too.
Send your only cosmic roster.
This is a node designed to punish simple play, and push you to use skills like intercept and Dexterity, instead of blocking/partying. Is that something you can do?
If not, I haven't tried Falcon on this particular node; but there are very few defensive abilities he can't get around when he's Locked On. Have you tried him?
You could possibly play it really slow with someone like Ebony Maw, playing really defensive and backing off except when you've got a Falter up.
Invisible Woman can help you do the same: just dodge, stay invisible as much as possible and never block a hit (try not to even press your block if you can - that should keep him less aggressive). If you're not great at dexterity, she's a really good champion to help you practice it. Her Forcefield should also (theoretically) take some of the damage for her; although again: I haven't tried this out.
I do think she's underrated and useful to a developing player though - take a look here if you like: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/202646/an-alternative-perspective-on-invisible-woman
Ultimately, if you're road-blocked this month, use the time to concentrate on Story Quest, and practice those Intercept and Dexterity skills. In a few months, you won't even remember missing out on a few rewards.
Sorcerer supreme with great gameplay (never hitting your block) can do it too.
My son used Galan. That is even easier than the Herc fight.
Valkyrie (never have to hit the opponent directly)
To be fair, I used Galan and Hulkling my first runs but didn’t see them on the roster.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola