Are there any bad matchups even with class advantages?

Are there any other instances where a champ gets countered by another despite having the class advantage? Or just champs having an ability that counters their stronger class/is weak against the weaker class?
Nimrod vs Bishop
Metal vs magneto
Apoc vs kingpin
I also find Sersi to be really annoying to fight even with Mystic champions. If you fail to get the fight under control early and she gets to her glancing buff, stuff gets really complicated really fast. Obviously, there are a few Mystic champions that just shut her down, but there are also a lot of champions in that class that struggle.
Similarly any Energy Based Mystic champ against Captain Marvel Movie is just a suicide run
Another reason BWCV is my BAE.
Attuma and ddhk vs void
Terrax vs duped warlock(terrax takes constant degen damage when rock shield is up during infection)
Idoom vs havoc(I use havoc as an idoom trap many times in bgs as havoc has strong energy resistance and the fight is always long)
1. Taskmaster vs Havok
2. Havok vs IMIW
3. Ebony Maw vs Electro
4. Killmonger vs Nightcrawler
5. Blade vs Spidey champs
6. Black Widow CV vs Human Torch
7. Shuri vs Bishop
8. Galan vs 80% of Mystics
9. Tigra, Wiccan, Rintrah vs Thing
Havok vs Taskmaster
Electro vs Ebony Maw
Nightcrawler vs KM
Blade vs Spiders (Science Class)
Torch vs CV
Mystics Vs Galan
Maestro vs Mephisto (incinerate immune, passives)
Photon vs Korg (energy attacks)
Shocker vs Maestro (before shocker nerf)
Magneto Red vs Prowler (Prowler is metal)
Onslaught vs Nimrod (shock immune, neuroshocks)
Havok vs Shuri (shocks)