Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

ISO-8 drought :(

other then duping champs is there any other reliable ways of farming decent amounts of tier 5 and tier 6 ISO in game? with the introduction of 7* in the game I think there should be more ways to farm tier 6 ISO, tier 6 selectors in the battlegrounds store or in the milestone rewards in arena would be nice and maybe a few adjustments to the ISO earnt in solo objectives (for TB and paragon players at least) would go a long way for players that aren't in alliances (glory store is a great source for tier 6 but pretty useless for players that aren't in alliances) If there are any other ways to farm please let me know cause I've got expiring catalysts that I cant use because of this :(


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    Ace2319Ace2319 Posts: 619 ★★★
    I try to do most content that offers 4* shards just to have some iso when needed. Glory store is a good place. If you aren’t in an ally but have a free week sometime possibly do map 5 for a week for 3k plus glory to keep for emergencies. Just remember the game is designed so you will always be short on something
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    Feeney234Feeney234 Posts: 1,195 ★★★★
    Theres so much ISO available right now im starting to pay attention to my gold 😭
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    LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Posts: 8,650 ★★★★★
    We just go so much ISO lmao. I just sold all my basic ISO for well over 1 million gold and I still have 4821 class ISO in stash. That's after ranking all 6 of my 7*s to rank one, plus two r3s and a r4 last rank up event. I'll never be able to use it all. I also have 30 4* dual crystals of each type and a ton of 5* shards. I'm with @Demonzfyre on this one. We must be playing different games.
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    Ironside47Ironside47 Posts: 472 ★★★
    I'm still struggling to use all the iso I got from the recent solo objectives. I'm ranking up champions that would never normally get beyond rank one, just to use up the iso. A few new champions would help, but I haven't opened a hero crystal in over a month because I know they'll be duplicates and, more iso. A real catch 22.
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    Sounds you missed last months iso bonanza
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