The perfect way to annoy players

Is it challenge? No.
Is it fun? No.
100% pure annoyance. It won't make fights hard, challenging or engaging. Just makes them longer, more boring and more of a chore to do.
Please stop it.
Take it with a pinch of salt, but seriously now: does there need to be Protection node everywhere? Especially the SQ, I mean this is the swcomd week when 40% paths have protection. C'mon now, there are so many ways to design a creative challenge, overusing one annoying node is the laziest thing! Heck even DNGG is more fun that this...
So yea, rant over I guess, thanks for reading. Honestly, this node is so annoying that I haven't been able to do the path this week yet. Not bcs of skill, I always turn the game on, start the quest, read the nodes, see protection again and I just can't bring myself to play with that **** node. I've had enough of it, I'm overfed with protection and getting more and more of it makes it drip everywhere like in some MeatCanyon story.
Is it challenge? No.
Is it fun? No.
100% pure annoyance. It won't make fights hard, challenging or engaging. Just makes them longer, more boring and more of a chore to do.
Please stop it.
Take it with a pinch of salt, but seriously now: does there need to be Protection node everywhere? Especially the SQ, I mean this is the swcomd week when 40% paths have protection. C'mon now, there are so many ways to design a creative challenge, overusing one annoying node is the laziest thing! Heck even DNGG is more fun that this...
So yea, rant over I guess, thanks for reading. Honestly, this node is so annoying that I haven't been able to do the path this week yet. Not bcs of skill, I always turn the game on, start the quest, read the nodes, see protection again and I just can't bring myself to play with that **** node. I've had enough of it, I'm overfed with protection and getting more and more of it makes it drip everywhere like in some MeatCanyon story.
You need to play around it. It's easy.
Although I do agree, spamming protection everywhere isn't a fun way to increase "difficulty".
This sure is a cheap way to increase the fight time with peasent rewards . I think the creative team should themselves try to play such nodes and then decide for others .
Kabam seems to be using all creative juices in their new champions and run out of ideas by the time they reach nodes.
Unyielding Punishment Node in AQ
Cavalier players
Thronebreaker players
Avoiding getting a concussion from Quake
That's it.
Oh and AQ.
It’s not hard at all at least Aegis requires a little skill by needing to intercept X times or heavy X times. Protection requires you to do something and then give you a dumb timer till you have to do it again. Worst part is this AI has been super passive. I spent my whole timer once trying to bait a special, ended getting cornered from all the baiting I did. If the AI wasn’t passive half the people wouldn’t complain about protection.
The node of mantis is quite good and I would actually prefer it over the purple shield which becomes grey when I use heavy