Valkyrie, Ghulk, and SMASH

Rivan56Rivan56 Member Posts: 23
Until this update, Valkyries sig would let her overcome Ghulk’s SMASH, treating it as an unstoppable effect (once you have enough pierce charges). Was this change on purpose?

I fight Ghulk in AQ Map 8 5x a week and this is the first time I’ve had the problem and now had it 2 days in a row. Thought the first might have been a fluke.


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,304 ★★★★★
    That's odd. Ghulks Smash has always been a Unstoppable 🧐, since slow has always been able to stop it's effects even if call-out happens.
  • Rivan56Rivan56 Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2023
    My sig is 130, which means I need 2 pierces. I thought the first day maybe I screwed up and didn’t have 2, but I made absolutely sure the second day since I was so surprised. I’d be grateful if someone could confirm they do not have a problem anywhere in the game since updating.

    Took some work, but I replicated it in practice. I had 2 pierce and intercepted his smash and bounced right off him.
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