Does Kabam expect most people and alliances to actually get these rewards?

zDevil753zDevil753 Member Posts: 6
My alliance is mainly AW focused, over half the alliance dislikes battlegrounds. The delay affects all of us greatly, and barely any of us make it past 150k points, much less 300k-400k. Make the rewards more accessible, as expecting players to grind battlegrounds this much just to get rewards that we should have gotten through AW is ridiculous.


  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Well that could of not given you a chance to get them. So basically they gave you a choice play the game mode or don't. Also they put them in milestones and not rank. BTW it's not that hard to hit 350k. I'm in a bg ally that's the min each season and I hit that by day 9. If you do it every season you get enough elder marks from the milestones that you never have to buy any. But anyways to each thier own. Good luck
  • GogiGogi Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    ShaggyM said:

    DL864 said:

    Well that could of not given you a chance to get them. So basically they gave you a choice play the game mode or don't. Also they put them in milestones and not rank. BTW it's not that hard to hit 350k. I'm in a bg ally that's the min each season and I hit that by day 9. If you do it every season you get enough elder marks from the milestones that you never have to buy any. But anyways to each thier own. Good luck

    Depends on what you consider easy. Easy as in difficulty or effort? I just tried to confirm my theory and I was right. It took me from matchmaking to end 6 minutes for ONE match. I can use my 6 energy in AW in the same time and come back to the mode 6 hours later. I only have to do that 3 times to clear my path and minis. That would be 3 matches in BGs for virtually no score. So again what's easy? AW gives players and alliances many different levels of effort for reasonable rewards.
    Not really, you get more from BGs, you need shards? buy them, upgrade materials? buy them. You control exactly what you want to get from the mode and you decide how much you want to play it and when. Doing a AW season for mediocre rewards is not worth the hassel. AW is straight up boring and probably for some players stressful which is nothing a player should experience in a game.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    ShaggyM said:

    DL864 said:

    Well that could of not given you a chance to get them. So basically they gave you a choice play the game mode or don't. Also they put them in milestones and not rank. BTW it's not that hard to hit 350k. I'm in a bg ally that's the min each season and I hit that by day 9. If you do it every season you get enough elder marks from the milestones that you never have to buy any. But anyways to each thier own. Good luck

    Depends on what you consider easy. Easy as in difficulty or effort? I just tried to confirm my theory and I was right. It took me from matchmaking to end 6 minutes for ONE match. I can use my 6 energy in AW in the same time and come back to the mode 6 hours later. I only have to do that 3 times to clear my path and minis. That would be 3 matches in BGs for virtually no score. So again what's easy? AW gives players and alliances many different levels of effort for reasonable rewards.
    I consider difficulty and effort to be easy. I also loke doing bgs so for me the effort is easy but I could see if you don't like them it being a drag. I personally think bgs is one of the fastest ways in the game to grow your account. Again it's preference and at least kabam is giving rewards they could just say you know what seasons delayed no rewards
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,074 Guardian
    The idea wasnt to take away rewards, it was to offer them somehow so there is no dearth in them during AW downtime. The downtime is necessary and this is a decent compromise.
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,097 ★★★★★
    If you already do BG this is great. If you only do AW, then this is a bit of a rubbish solution.

    Personally, I do a bit of BG here and there. I don’t use elders marks, my Alliance mates barely touch it, as they find it bugged to hell and not a lot of fun. So no one from Alliance who are contribute to AW will benefit from this solution. This may act as incentive to play BG go a degree, but I doubt it will make a difference.

    Realistically it’s only a weeks delay to getting AW rewards. So I’m not going to lose any sleep missing out on the rewards. It’s not like if you just game me all the rewards now for doing nothing it would make that much of an impact.

    I’d rather have seen the AW store get a buff and everyone get some loyalty based on last seasons finish. But maybe that’s seen as getting something for nothing, so even just buffing the loyalty store would have been a better solution for me.
  • DarknessFallsDarknessFalls Member Posts: 165 ★★
    This just seems ridiculous, adding additional rewards, I can get behind it, but to increase the milestone is too much, already it's a pain to hit 300k, now 400k is like kabam laughing at us.

    I mean already many are frustrated with battleground. And this could have been a good incentive to play if they atleast kept the milestone at 300k itself.

    Now when I see okay the rewards, all I see is oh okay already 300k was so much grind now the additional rewards are only after that well, doesn't seem worth the time with the uncertainty if I will reach it or not.

    Regarding alliance rewards, well that is just hopeless so why bother ...
  • DarknessFallsDarknessFalls Member Posts: 165 ★★
    Pikolu said:

    Kabam doesn't expect everyone to get these rewards, but hitting 12mil as an alliance would require basically just as much effort as hitting mid plat with a higher tier alliance.

    I, for one, am quite grateful they didn't look the rewards behind rank rewards and instead put them in milestones. Even UC accounts that are filled with determination can hit the 400k solo objective for 45k 6* shards and 2 nexus crystals.

    I have grinded 300k once, putting all energy only for battleground, and let me just say, never again.

    So 400k, well I have a life outside this game as well.
  • noclutchnoclutch Member Posts: 186 ★★
    With current point system you can get 6.58x points with eldermarks
    And its a currency that spenders can take advantage of to reduce their grind.

    So it is creates a big gap between Ftp and heavy spenders' point progression.
    Its a fundamental flaw in point system design that forces players to do 6.58x the grind for same rewards or ignore it.

    And I dont think they want to reduce the grind for FTP to get similar rewards.

    If they want, there are plenty of ways to minimize the gap.
    I am sure community is full of talented people who can help craft a better point system for for free.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    Kabam probably prefers you don’t get the rewards…
  • KeonexKeonex Member Posts: 332 ★★★
    you guys complaining about getting extra rewards is out there.

    So would you rather have 0 special rewards added, cause they could have just done that.

    close war as they scheduled it without giving anything extra to the players.

    But they try do something good for the community and people complain cause its not something they like playing. You don’t have to play it its that simple.
  • noclutchnoclutch Member Posts: 186 ★★
    Keonex said:

    you guys complaining about getting extra rewards is out there.

    So would you rather have 0 special rewards added, cause they could have just done that.

    close war as they scheduled it without giving anything extra to the players.

    But they try do something good for the community and people complain cause its not something they like playing. You don’t have to play it its that simple.

    Its in their best interest to not to discourage players from playing any game mode.

    Personally I would rather not have the thing than have something not worth my time
  • zDevil753zDevil753 Member Posts: 6
    Keonex said:

    you guys complaining about getting extra rewards is out there.

    So would you rather have 0 special rewards added, cause they could have just done that.

    close war as they scheduled it without giving anything extra to the players.

    But they try do something good for the community and people complain cause its not something they like playing. You don’t have to play it its that simple.

    Might as well not even have the extra “rewards” when they are insanely time consuming to obtain, and 90 percent of the player base won’t even get it.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★

    Pikolu said:

    Kabam doesn't expect everyone to get these rewards, but hitting 12mil as an alliance would require basically just as much effort as hitting mid plat with a higher tier alliance.

    I, for one, am quite grateful they didn't look the rewards behind rank rewards and instead put them in milestones. Even UC accounts that are filled with determination can hit the 400k solo objective for 45k 6* shards and 2 nexus crystals.

    I have grinded 300k once, putting all energy only for battleground, and let me just say, never again.

    So 400k, well I have a life outside this game as well.
    Use elder marks lol I do 400k every season I did 920k season 3 and there is absolutely no way I would even try that using energy only.
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    edited June 2023
    Everyone talking about the 350k/400k Mark like it gives you what you're missing out on in war, it does not. It is not as simple as you hitting the 400k mark, that nexus crystal(s). No rank up materials unless your ally as a whole puts in just as much effort.

    Poor compromise imo, I won't even be getting t5b cats going off my allies usual participation. Which is a joke.
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    Kabam doesn't expect everyone to get these rewards, but hitting 12mil as an alliance would require basically just as much effort as hitting mid plat with a higher tier alliance.

    I, for one, am quite grateful they didn't look the rewards behind rank rewards and instead put them in milestones. Even UC accounts that are filled with determination can hit the 400k solo objective for 45k 6* shards and 2 nexus crystals.

    No it's not just as much effort at all, 1 BGs match takes around 10 mins and we will need a lot of matches btw. 10 mins in war is probably all the time you'd need (accumulated) in one attack phase to do all your fights. Do that 12 times and you're looking at 2 hours a month for attack phase, do you honestly think one can hit 400k in 2 hours 👀
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    It has created a great deal of animosity in our alliance. Only 16 out of 30 are playing bgs. Those that are grinding it hard are unhappy about having carry others and even more mad about the 14 who are not participating at all.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    Take a week or two off, stop crying.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,175 ★★★★★
    This is such a terrible question. The answer is all-caps NO.

    Kabam doesn’t expect everyone to get platinum war rewards. This isn’t any different. It rewards effort and investment, like moth other game modes.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    Kabam is trying to encourage more participation in BG, but with the current milestone points requirement, for players that don't normally doing BG that intensively, it would only lead to burnout or hating the mode even more.

    I see two perceptives from players in this thread, those that already focus on BG and see no problem and those that normally focus on AW and this temporary change is making a massive negative impart to them and their Alliance.

    Like @Rap said, this is already lead to disruption within Alliances, so it can't be good for the game, the players or the community.

    I posted a simple compromise solution that would be a win win for everyone :)

    If you already playing BG and achieve this milestone points, great, you will get more rewards. While for players that normally focus on AW, well they have play BG a bit more, bit not too intensively to be burnout and maybe can still enjoy the mode after the season ended. :)

    It might not be the perfect solution, but it might be a decent enough compromised that work for most players. Of course I'm sure there will always be people that disagreed, but then again there will always be people that want the world to burn, with the notion that "I have it and I don't want anyone else to". :D
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★

    Take a week or two off, stop crying.

    Well it's actually more like 6 weeks (including the original 2 week off season) but I'd happily accept zero additional rewards being as we don't actually have a season of war .. that's completely fair for all parties affected. 👍
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