Iceman Parry Timing Issue

Iceman has different parry timing after his second medium than most, if not all, other champions. His second medium pushes the opponent back further than normal, causing a delay in the parry timing. This issue has been reported several times over the years but there’s never been an acknowledgment or response from Kabam. I believe other champions have had the same problem with parrying after second medium, such as pre-buff Antman, so I know it’s possible to fix. Now that Iceman is becoming relevant again, with the AW attack tactic, it would be nice if this issue was addressed.
Here’s an old forum post mentioning this issue:
Here’s an old forum post mentioning this issue:
It may not seem like that big of a deal, but having to end combos with light in order to get the same parry timing as almost every other champ in the game leads to less damage and less power gain.
I believe Kabam was able to fix this issue with Ant Man after his buff, so they have the ability.
Can we please get an official response on whether Kabam ever plans to fix this issue?