6* ascension

Who are y’all ascending for your first 6* ascension. We’re about 5 days away from being able to get the final dust needed.
Personally, I will be ascending my rank 5 spider ham. I have maxed 2 3 4 and 6* spider ham, 4* ascended and 6* going to be ascended. All I need is the 5*
Personally, I will be ascending my rank 5 spider ham. I have maxed 2 3 4 and 6* spider ham, 4* ascended and 6* going to be ascended. All I need is the 5*
Five star maxed with ascension, he's a beast...
And if you have syngergy of, Magento/colosus/hulk/apocalypse..
He's a mad man.... Fastest path clearer in EQ...
My second choice would be my R5 Sig 200 Wolverine
Third would probably be Galan
Five star maxed with ascension, he's a beast...
And if you have syngergy of, Magento/colosus/hulk/apocalypse..
He's a mad man.... Fastest path clearer in EQ...
I'll r5 him, ascend him, and r4 the 5* relic attached to him all at once! Having 5M gold ready for that occasion
Yay Angela too it's only the 5 Star but the six stars i'm ascending are herc and clarie
When i ran Angela in AQ the difference was noticable You are going to enjoy her i hope getting a masacre since i already have domino and rulk but i know he is probably going to be enjoyable (does he benefit of the dupe? I had a skill awakening gem and i want to use it)