Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Time Attack / Legends Run

After years of playing MCOC I’ve finally decided to try a “Time Attack/Legends Run” with a total time of 2hrs 25mins.

-Hercules (Main attacker / Suicide build)
-Hulk (3 feats of Strength for Herc)
-Black Panther (Unblockable buff for Herc and N.F increased critical damage)
-CAP IW (Armor break for Herc)
-Nick Fury (10% attack boost and B.P synergy)

-26 Energy Refills
- 1 30% Attack/Health Boost
- 1 20% Attack/Health Boost
- 3 15% Attack Boost

I hope 2hrs and 25mins was enough time to secure a top 100 spot!


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    Feeney234Feeney234 Posts: 1,194 ★★★★
    edited September 2023
    CeeLohs said:

    After years of playing MCOC I’ve finally decided to try a “Time Attack/Legends Run” with a total time of 2hrs 25mins.

    -Hercules (Main attacker / Suicide build)
    -Hulk (3 feats of Strength for Herc)
    -Black Panther (Unblockable buff for Herc and N.F increased critical damage)
    -CAP IW (Armor break for Herc)
    -Nick Fury (10% attack boost and B.P synergy)

    -26 Energy Refills
    - 1 30% Attack/Health Boost
    - 1 20% Attack/Health Boost
    - 3 15% Attack Boost

    I hope 2hrs and 25mins was enough time to secure a top 100 spot!

    Should be! I suspect times will definitely drop because of the new EQ structure.

    I did my run last month and had a time of 3h14m i believe. 2h25m seems like a solid time. I think you will get it.

    Good luck!
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    PhiliaPhilia Posts: 87
    Which difficulties did u explore btw?
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,560 ★★★★★
    Why Herc? I don't do the time runs, but I would have thought he's slower than Corvus and the other regulars.
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    Do you need to do it as soon as the event starts?
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    MattDRKMattDRK Posts: 173

    Do you need to do it as soon as the event starts?

    On the first 2 weeks after the EQ starts.
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    MLord1MLord1 Posts: 11
    edited September 2023
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    Sun_Spot46Sun_Spot46 Posts: 68
    CeeLohs said:

    After years of playing MCOC I’ve finally decided to try a “Time Attack/Legends Run” with a total time of 2hrs 25mins.

    -Hercules (Main attacker / Suicide build)
    -Hulk (3 feats of Strength for Herc)
    -Black Panther (Unblockable buff for Herc and N.F increased critical damage)
    -CAP IW (Armor break for Herc)
    -Nick Fury (10% attack boost and B.P synergy)

    -26 Energy Refills
    - 1 30% Attack/Health Boost
    - 1 20% Attack/Health Boost
    - 3 15% Attack Boost

    I hope 2hrs and 25mins was enough time to secure a top 100 spot!

    I also after years of playing decided to take it on this month. Time was 2:27. Also hoping it was good enough.
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    Pikolu said:

    26 energy refills? That's a huge step down from like the 38 needed previously

    As someone who did it 2 months ago I feel bad. I got the title so it doesn’t really matter, but the energy refills would be useful right now.
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    ShashankGuptaShashankGupta Posts: 221
    Is there any difference between time legend by exploring EQ vs Legend Title by completing zone 25
    I did zone 25 push and got the legend Title on 13th because I am not gonna do that again just for a title
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    Is there any difference between time legend by exploring EQ vs Legend Title by completing zone 25
    I did zone 25 push and got the legend Title on 13th because I am not gonna do that again just for a title

    The title just says Legend, which I personally like about it. Zone 25 give the legends badge aswell, but with a different title.
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    spigwenderspigwender Posts: 473 ★★★
    I did it as well with a time of 2 hours and 22 minutes. Good luck to everyone, i’ve been waiting for these posts to see if i have a chance.
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    PistolcuApaPistolcuApa Posts: 137
    Ouch, I did 2h 47, feeling bad now. Fights were done in an instant, loading screens however shite on android.
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    SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Posts: 3,999 ★★★★★
    I know most end game players have the cool badge now, so I suspect much less competition for top 100
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    WaddoWaddo Posts: 10
    I did 2:25/2:26, looks like it’s gonna be a close one😬
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    PistolcuApaPistolcuApa Posts: 137
    AE_Inc1 said:
    Wow, your loading times were non existing after the fights. If I fail this month, I'll try again next month on my wife's iPhone, she won't be happy about that. Fingers crossed I get the title now.
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    FrydayFryday Posts: 806 ★★★★

    AE_Inc1 said:
    Wow, your loading times were non existing after the fights. If I fail this month, I'll try again next month on my wife's iPhone, she won't be happy about that. Fingers crossed I get the title now.
    For the sake if your marriage, I also hope you get it this month 🤣🤣🤣.

    Good luck
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    Gabriel_207Gabriel_207 Posts: 56
    Btw where is the post that shows the summoners who got the top 100 spots can’t seem to find it anymore!
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    CeeLohsCeeLohs Posts: 55
    @Philia you’ll have to explore Proven and Conquerer - my bad for the late response
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    CeeLohsCeeLohs Posts: 55
    @willrun4adonut I used Herc because unfortunately I don’t have a 5*/6* Corvus to use. I tried to use the best synergies for Herc. I hope it works out. I’ll find out soon! Lol
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    CeeLohs said:

    @willrun4adonut I used Herc because unfortunately I don’t have a 5*/6* Corvus to use. I tried to use the best synergies for Herc. I hope it works out. I’ll find out soon! Lol

    Did you end up getting it?? I just did my run last week and finished with 2 hours and 15 minutes. Hoping I get it this month!
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