So I ascended Gladiator ......

So I ascended gladiator and to my surprise his damage is there now. Still assuming he has a buff coming but I like his play style and now his damage is up to par. I made a video showing before and after rol little run

Yes, scary, it would give access to healing through willpower - but it's actually reflective in his power set.
That small change would make him perfect IMO.
Sorry, tangent over.
Congrats on your ascended champ, I hope you enjoy him.
We will get more dust, use the resources you have as you desire.
He'll be one of my first ones as well 🤙🏻
Realm of Legends is almost never a good testing ground - the AI is absolute dog poop in that awful quest.
Gladiator, especially, relies on a decent amount of AI manipulation - as you noted above.
Congrats on the Rank-Up!
getting better with him, just did a sub 50 hits and about 1:07 seconds (time fight started and ended in the video) rol against Captain marvel. Was able to do a bit of burst damage during her special, and it's a big difference doing so. Again I appreciate the positive comments on here, and I'm very happy with my choice of who I ascended.
If you do decide to use recoils with him, making him a Herald helps mitigate the damage. For me, that combination makes him feel pretty perfect.
Add recoils, make him a herald and give him the Odin pre-fights, he's a very fun incursions champion.
Congrats again, great choice. Glad you're enjoying him
I didn't even watch the ascend portion of video because sub-optimal play.