Avengers Logo blocking entire fight screen!

Encountered this myself and also saw on a stream with MAEX.
When you enter a fight/matchup that occurs on top of the Avengers building room/stage, a strange bug can appear. The entire screen gets blocked out by the Avengers logo. It's disruptive because you can't tell where the champs are on screen, or determine how to fight.

When you enter a fight/matchup that occurs on top of the Avengers building room/stage, a strange bug can appear. The entire screen gets blocked out by the Avengers logo. It's disruptive because you can't tell where the champs are on screen, or determine how to fight.

I haven’t seen the Avengers “A” logo before. BUT…
In general, AND FOREVER, going back YEARS, there are certain 3D depth-perspective things that when the Camera View (what is “filming” the fight) has to pull back far enough, because the 2 fighters have distanced themselves far enough away from each other, that there are a few elements (in a couple fight locations), that at the right spot (panning left and right, at just the right spot) will have some item (post, beam, etc) suddenly become visible and obstruct with seeing all of the fight screen (and potentially the fighters).
The “Camera” location actually has to move further back, and now those things (that used to be *behind* the Camera and now *in front* of the camera.
That “A” though is definitely much larger than all the other Posts/Beams that occasionally appear.
(I was just asking if streaming as if, “did it happen to you” versus “some youtube'r reported it but wants you to see their own monetized site instead of reporting it themselves up here on the Forum)
The “point-of-view” of how Kabam shows you the fight as it is going along. You have to be looking at the fight from some 3D perspective. That's what I (and others) refer to as the “camera” for a fight.
If you’re finding this “A” appearing even when opponents are closer to each other. Or during initial “Run-up” of champs before fight actually starts. Then maybe a new 3D element (the A-sign) has been added to the 3D scenery of this fight location, and has been placed in between the depth of where the fighters are and what would even normally be the distance away that the “Camera” is at.
Normally, those other obstructions are further away (distance wise, from the fighters), from where the “Fight Camera” is at. And only appear as the Camera moved even further back away from the fighters for a wider-screen shot.
Using iPhone 12 and newer ipad but it doesn’t matter what I use.
Refer to this thread from 2018 and this video
Happens when playing on iPad
Seriously Kabam needs to rethink their “camera angle”
It is so annoying