What determines position and distance after an sp3?

The other day I launched an sp3 and after the animation I found myself unexpectedly right in front of the defender. I got combo'd into oblivion. Using a different champion in the same fight, after the sp3 my attacker was not only far away but also on a totally different part of the screen. I started to wonder what factors are involved and thought i'd do some testing.
I took a bunch of champs into RoL to toss sp3s at Winter Soldier. In all cases I launched the sp3 while my attacker was in the far left corner with their back against the wall. After the sp3 animation, i didn't touch the screen until WS was up and moving. I took screenshots of the moment play resumes and the moment WS gets up, just right before he makes his next move.
I found a ton of variation across three areas.
Position on the screen: the attacker might be at the midpoint of the arena screen, the far corner, about halfway to the corner.
Distance from the defender: some were quite far; some were practically standing over WS.
Movement: some attackers stand still until after WS is up; some start moving immediately. For those who move, distance varies.
Some examples:
Herc: near the far corner, lots of distance, starts moving

Mr Fantastic: about 3/4 of the way across, lots of distance, stands still

Abs Man: midpoint of the arena, very close to the defender, not moving

Tigra: midpoint, somewhat far, but moving and covering a lot of ground

Sauron: midpoint, close, moves a bit closer

So far it looks like it's champ-specific, though I obviously can't say for sure. This is just idle curiosity on my part... if anyone has any insight or theories, please feel free to chime in
I took a bunch of champs into RoL to toss sp3s at Winter Soldier. In all cases I launched the sp3 while my attacker was in the far left corner with their back against the wall. After the sp3 animation, i didn't touch the screen until WS was up and moving. I took screenshots of the moment play resumes and the moment WS gets up, just right before he makes his next move.
I found a ton of variation across three areas.
Position on the screen: the attacker might be at the midpoint of the arena screen, the far corner, about halfway to the corner.
Distance from the defender: some were quite far; some were practically standing over WS.
Movement: some attackers stand still until after WS is up; some start moving immediately. For those who move, distance varies.
Some examples:
Herc: near the far corner, lots of distance, starts moving

Mr Fantastic: about 3/4 of the way across, lots of distance, stands still

Abs Man: midpoint of the arena, very close to the defender, not moving

Tigra: midpoint, somewhat far, but moving and covering a lot of ground

Sauron: midpoint, close, moves a bit closer

So far it looks like it's champ-specific, though I obviously can't say for sure. This is just idle curiosity on my part... if anyone has any insight or theories, please feel free to chime in

Also, I always wondered why kate sp3 didn't corner the opponent, I'm sure it was intentional to reduce her high effectiveness.
In necropolis I mostly won't use kate sp3 as it ruins her rotation by getting the opponent again to the center.
In hercs sp3 the final hit hits the opponent very far from him and creates a big distance
Same with silk her last hit places the opponent at the end but there's a noticeable distance in space between them.
If the opponent isn't at the wall in the final his of the sp3 then they won't be cornered.