Ok kabam I love you but what?

Cmon kabam let us have some Ws please I usually support your decisions but I feel like your kinda spitting into f2p players faces
1. Not all of us have a wallet ready for spending
2. Like two revives a day is brutal
3. Haven’t you done enough
4. No matter how much I complain you probably won’t back down but I do want to air my grievances in hope of creating something constructive
5. Gives us halls of healing every week it would be amazing and very fair for one halls of healing a week
how about 1 revive from 100 crystal?
If you did ALL that (which you don't need to), you can get up to almost 200 revives in a single month. If you're targeting necro exploration by the end of the year, that gives you 2 months per path, meaning you can either do less grinding for the same number of revives, or build up an even greater stash of units