Summoner's Choice 2024 - Before You Vote - Shathra

Hey guys, with the reveal of the new 2024 options having some crazy obscure characters in it, I figured I'd make a detailed post going over each character's story, powerset, and possible abilities we could see in the contest. I'll be reading comics and doing research on the characters as I go to expand my Marvel knowledge a bit with you guys, so if you have any preferences on who you want to see next let me know.
Starting off with Shathra because (in my opinion) she is definitely the most interesting and powerful of the choices given to us.
Shathra is from Earth-001, and is the daughter of the goddesses Oshtur and Gaea. She was tasked with creating a kind of "Map of Humanity" by her goddess parents, and Shathra went on to create the Great Nest. Her younger sister thought that her design wasn't great, and created the Great Web (yeah the Spiderverse one), which their parents thought was WAY better. As you might expect this caused a bit of a rift between the sisters, so Shathra turned into a wasplike goddess (wasps have nests while spiders have webs) and vowed to take revenge and destroy the Great Web and all connected to it (spider-people).
She first met our original Spider-Man in the Astral Plane, followed him to Earth, and subsequently demolished him in a fight. Spider-Man escaped, but he is nowhere near as strong as her, so it was very close. When Shathra encountered him again, she infected him with a paralyzing agent, and he was rescued by Ezekiel Sims, another being connected to the Great Web (remember, Shathra loves those guys). With his help, Spider-Man set a trap for her and was able to defeat her (for the time being, she's immortal).
She has a ton more history attacking Spider-Man but I don't want to make this post super long and boring so TLDR: She is a goddess, way stronger than Spidey, and hates spider-people.
Powerset: Shathra's powerset includes superhuman strength, superhuman speed (not superspeed, like a little more than Captain America sprint speed), regenerative abilities, immortality, the ability to resurrect herself from the dead, flight, teleportation, the ability to create wasp monsters, and stingers with paralytic toxins.
So she is stacked beyond belief in the power department, even got the potential for another champ with Immortality.
Possible MCOC abilities: Regeneration, some kind of neurotoxin/sting, the first champion to use the paralysis debuff, immortality, and maybe even a bonus ability when fighting #Spiderverse characters.
Overall she is very cool, would be an awesome addition to the contest. She honestly has my first round vote after this, she was the only champ on the list I did not recognize in any capacity and she is awesome. I'll attach a picture of her in evil wasp form for anyone curious. Let me know who you'd like to learn about next! And if I got anything wrong, please correct me.

Starting off with Shathra because (in my opinion) she is definitely the most interesting and powerful of the choices given to us.
Shathra is from Earth-001, and is the daughter of the goddesses Oshtur and Gaea. She was tasked with creating a kind of "Map of Humanity" by her goddess parents, and Shathra went on to create the Great Nest. Her younger sister thought that her design wasn't great, and created the Great Web (yeah the Spiderverse one), which their parents thought was WAY better. As you might expect this caused a bit of a rift between the sisters, so Shathra turned into a wasplike goddess (wasps have nests while spiders have webs) and vowed to take revenge and destroy the Great Web and all connected to it (spider-people).
She first met our original Spider-Man in the Astral Plane, followed him to Earth, and subsequently demolished him in a fight. Spider-Man escaped, but he is nowhere near as strong as her, so it was very close. When Shathra encountered him again, she infected him with a paralyzing agent, and he was rescued by Ezekiel Sims, another being connected to the Great Web (remember, Shathra loves those guys). With his help, Spider-Man set a trap for her and was able to defeat her (for the time being, she's immortal).
She has a ton more history attacking Spider-Man but I don't want to make this post super long and boring so TLDR: She is a goddess, way stronger than Spidey, and hates spider-people.
Powerset: Shathra's powerset includes superhuman strength, superhuman speed (not superspeed, like a little more than Captain America sprint speed), regenerative abilities, immortality, the ability to resurrect herself from the dead, flight, teleportation, the ability to create wasp monsters, and stingers with paralytic toxins.
So she is stacked beyond belief in the power department, even got the potential for another champ with Immortality.
Possible MCOC abilities: Regeneration, some kind of neurotoxin/sting, the first champion to use the paralysis debuff, immortality, and maybe even a bonus ability when fighting #Spiderverse characters.
Overall she is very cool, would be an awesome addition to the contest. She honestly has my first round vote after this, she was the only champ on the list I did not recognize in any capacity and she is awesome. I'll attach a picture of her in evil wasp form for anyone curious. Let me know who you'd like to learn about next! And if I got anything wrong, please correct me.

Truly a shame, Ruby Swarm Viper Shriek Shathra could've had some crazy animations based on what I've read about them and just their designs in general. I'm 100% sure one of these will be runner up but I would've loved to see two or three of them in the game not just one.
2. No it's not lol did you even look at the poll? Blob has like 120 votes and Ruby (second place) has like 60. Why do you think that is? Popularity or coincidence? Please use the last three brain cells you have left before you reply.
3. It only signals who comes first? Lol so Agatha, Beta Ray Bill, Hobgoblin, Spider Woman, Morgan Le Fay all already in the game right? Like I said, one of the runner ups will get in for sure but the rest we don't know, it's uncertain and so far most of the participants have been forgotten after the voting ends.
Bullseye has been in how many Summoner's Choice already and made it past the first rounds? More than one.
Sure, maybe I was wrong in saying it's a shame that we'll never get them cause we might but you're also wrong for saying we will because the truth is we don't know. Some have been added, some haven't, that wasn't the whole point I was trying to make though. The point I was trying to make was Blob shouldn't have been on the list cause it's an easy instant win for him for obvious reasons.
Quicksilver wasn't an instant win. Zemo, Bullseye, Agatha and Beta Ray Bill were on that list oo. If you're actually comparing popularity between any of these and any of the characters other than Blob in the 2024 list you're absolutely insane and need to go read more comics cause you don't know what you're talking about lol.
If the option exists for a two-fer down the line I'd prefer that.
Great result. To those who voted for Black Tarantula I think he'll be along soon after.
Welcome Shathra
Ink black skin, wings, mandibles, and antenna in her corrupted form
LIVING STATUS Alive; formerly deceased
REALITY Earth-001
CAUSE OF DEATH Eaten by a spider-god[2](revived by herself) [3]
Eaten by the Other-indwelled Kaine[4](Accidentally resurrected by Spiderling) [5]
OCCUPATION Mother to other Astral Plane inhabited by Spider-Wasps
EDUCATION Primordial
Shathra possessed the various superhuman attributes of the totemistic Spider-Wasp. She was considered to be "pure" since she has given in to her feral nature.[citation needed] While she possesses many powers similar to those of Spider-Man, those powers are superior to his.[citation needed]
Superhuman Strength: Shathra possessed superhuman strength sufficient to lift at least 15 tons.
Superhuman Speed: Shathra could run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical capabilities of the finest human athlete, even more so than even Spider-Man.
Superhuman Stamina: Shathra's musculature produces less fatigue toxins then the musculature of a human being. She can physically exert herself at peak capacity for at least several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in her blood begins to impair her.
Superhuman Durability: Shathra was tougher and more resistant to certain kinds of injury than a human being. For instance, she could fall or leap from great heights without sustaining any physical injury. She was also resistant to great impact forces. She could withstand physical impacts, such as being struck by Spider-Man, that would severely injure or kill a human and sustain little to no physical injury.
Superhuman Agility: Shathra's agility, balance, and bodily coordination were all enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Reflexes: Shathra's reflexes were similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Sense of Smell: Shathra possessed a superhuman sense of smell that borders on the extrasensory. She demonstrated the ability to track Spider-Man through scent and could do so across continents and dimensions. It isn't known if she can track other individuals in this same way or only Spider-Man, due to the totemistical connection between the two.
Regenerative Healing Factor: If Shathra sustained physical injury, she could quickly heal damaged bodily tissues faster and more extensively than a human. While not nearly as efficient as that possessed by Wolverine, her healing powers were superior to those of Spider-Man.
Immortality: As an elder goddess, Shathra was immortal and even capable of resurrecting herself should her physical form be slain, returning from death after being devoured by the spider-totem known as the Gatekeeper. After being killed by the Other,her essence was sealed away in the Great Web until she was unwittingly freed by the Patternmaker, enabling her to reconstitute herself.
Flight: Shathra, being the embodiment of the Spider Wasp, possessed a pair of wings growing from her back that she could use for flying and hovering. The top speed that she could achieve with these wings is unknown, but her Power Grid entry suggests that she could not fly faster than 700 MPH.
Shapeshifting: Shathra originally resembled a human woman, but when she became consumed by jealousy and hatred towards her sister she transformed herself into a monstrous wasp-like entity. In her corrupted state she retains limited shapeshifting abilities that she can use to transform her appearance into that of a normal-looking human female.
Teleportation: Shathra was able to generate warp holes through space and even through dimensions, such as from her natural home in the Astral Plane to Earth.
Claws & Stingers: Shathra possessed razor sharp claws that, coupled with her great strength, were able to cut most conventional materials including flesh, bone, stone, and some types of metals. She also fire sharp stinger-like projectiles with great accuracy and speed. These stingers can easily pierce Spider-Man's webbing and are coated with neural paralyzing agent capable of overcoming Spider-Man.
Wasp-Totem Creation: Shathra was capable of spontaneously creating divine totemic wasps to counter her sister Neith's Spider-Totems. Additionally, her venom is able to corrupt spider-totems and transform them into wasp-totems, as seen when she transformed Spiderling into the "Nestling".
Shathra was a skilled hand to hand combatant. Like Spider-Man, she has had no formal training but uses a freestyle combat technique that allows her to make full use of her speed, agility, and acrobatic prowess.