I have a 6* ascended Scorpion. I have it filtered to my 6* science champions. No scorpion in sight. Anybody else with their champions when entering AW?
Sorry to cause confusion: there was a banner, then we removed it because there's a second fix that negates the necessity for the first fix. (now you don't have to do anything and it should be resolved)
From this and other thread comments about needing update. I was assuming that the extra Raid-Tact. Tags had been removed on BACK-END (without needing the HotFix), and that is why some people started to no longer be able to join AQ/AW with most champs.
Thus why people were saying they could no longer join with most champs (like briefly a week+ ago)
And that the HotFix would be needed in tandem to then re-allow those non-raid tag normal champs to join again.
**BUT I look at roster *without HotFix yet*, and they all still have the Raid-Tact.
So, now I’m confused, was it the Hotfix itself (not just server-side change) that removed the extra tags, but still did not correctly fix the joining AQ/AW issue ??
***EDIT.. maybe your last comment about resolves this. I’ll look again. 😀 (except that by now I have started the Download. So can’t check what the champs are like without the Hotfix)
@SummonerNR they reverted the change until the update is forced to play the game so people wouldn't be confused.
Ah, OK, so prior comment by @Skyfaw must have been seen during the momentary time that extra tags were initially removed today, before they were put back in (waiting until “forced update required” time before those extra tags will actually get removed for good) ?
So RAIDS Planning (with only the actual Raid Tags) will be available within a day or 2 (or whenever that “update required” time kicks in) ? At least giving a half of week before Raids starts of correctly being able to Filter on Raid-Tactician tag ?
This resolved other issues and updated the tagging for champs, please make sure to update to the most recent version of the game.
We're working on getting additional communication out.
He is talking about the Jax's actual response on the thread...
His comment from top.
Just wanted to point out why it may be missed though Jax's reply shouldn't be.
From this and other thread comments about needing update.
I was assuming that the extra Raid-Tact. Tags had been removed on BACK-END (without needing the HotFix), and that is why some people started to no longer be able to join AQ/AW with most champs.
Thus why people were saying they could no longer join with most champs (like briefly a week+ ago)
And that the HotFix would be needed in tandem to then re-allow those non-raid tag normal champs to join again.
**BUT I look at roster *without HotFix yet*, and they all still have the Raid-Tact.
So, now I’m confused, was it the Hotfix itself (not just server-side change) that removed the extra tags, but still did not correctly fix the joining AQ/AW issue ??
***EDIT.. maybe your last comment about resolves this. I’ll look again. 😀
(except that by now I have started the Download. So can’t check what the champs are like without the Hotfix)
The Raid-Tactician tag is still there on all champs.
So RAIDS Planning (with only the actual Raid Tags) will be available within a day or 2 (or whenever that “update required” time kicks in) ?
At least giving a half of week before Raids starts of correctly being able to Filter on Raid-Tactician tag ?
Thx. (assuming this is right)