No Raid delay start day like AQ...?

When in good terms, general moves from one alliance to another alliance now happens on Mondays, AFTER AQ is done and everyone has received their weekly rewards. Officers will post-pone the start of AQ for the battlegroup w/ changes until Tuesday which allows anyone that changes to still participate in full and receive rewards for the next AQ.
Particularly with this AW season just ending and/or BGs offseason (sure it's starting up mid week), it's generally a good time when moving would happen. But this week's AQ cycle ends but Raids start up... and there is no such window.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax with Raids able to be done in such short time across the week, is there any option (or future option) to be in place to allow such changes and allow summoners to get the weekly AQ/Raid rewards that they participated in?

Particularly with this AW season just ending and/or BGs offseason (sure it's starting up mid week), it's generally a good time when moving would happen. But this week's AQ cycle ends but Raids start up... and there is no such window.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax with Raids able to be done in such short time across the week, is there any option (or future option) to be in place to allow such changes and allow summoners to get the weekly AQ/Raid rewards that they participated in?

How fun.