Is the node Deadly Precision - 3 working properly?

hyp3r05hyp3r05 Member Posts: 82

The node description says you should gain a precision when you gain a cruelty buff or passive.
But whenever Bullseye gains his buffs or passives neither gives him the precision.
Is this just some weird interaction between his kit and the node or bugged?
This is the 8.4.4 Human Torch fight.


  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★
    Bullseye is immune to precision
  • hyp3r05hyp3r05 Member Posts: 82
    Maratox said:

    Bullseye is immune to precision

    Oh thank you.
    Nevermind then average case of someone not being able to read lol.
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