Incursions are very unfriendly?
I can't help but feel like Incursions just suck.
You get hacks (RNG), that boost your champs, oftentimes through debuff placement (bleed, stun, shock,...)
Every other champ has some sort of Tenacity, immunity, shrug, so your hacks are mitigated.
You can easily run into undefeatable champ even in very far zones, effectively ruining your run. Nothing you can do. Any unit investment is therefore purely speculative and guarantees you nothing at all.
If you try again, you get 0 rewards for the relatively large time investment, unless you get further than your last run.
If you get stuck without resources, you can't farm them, because 1) they are only for units and 2) you get kicked out after some time.
Milestone rewards are short and outdated (imho).
Idk, I lost the Incursions and I am fine w it, it was fair, and I lost due to my lack of skill, rather than a KO node. But during my whole run I felt like this is all designed not to be played, enjoyed and conquered. Am I at the wrong here? I really tried to give them a chance, but every aspect of the game feels so hostile, that I have 0 will to try again
You get hacks (RNG), that boost your champs, oftentimes through debuff placement (bleed, stun, shock,...)
Every other champ has some sort of Tenacity, immunity, shrug, so your hacks are mitigated.
You can easily run into undefeatable champ even in very far zones, effectively ruining your run. Nothing you can do. Any unit investment is therefore purely speculative and guarantees you nothing at all.
If you try again, you get 0 rewards for the relatively large time investment, unless you get further than your last run.
If you get stuck without resources, you can't farm them, because 1) they are only for units and 2) you get kicked out after some time.
Milestone rewards are short and outdated (imho).
Idk, I lost the Incursions and I am fine w it, it was fair, and I lost due to my lack of skill, rather than a KO node. But during my whole run I felt like this is all designed not to be played, enjoyed and conquered. Am I at the wrong here? I really tried to give them a chance, but every aspect of the game feels so hostile, that I have 0 will to try again
I did not go for level 25 in Saga Incursions. Just not my game mode. But that's okay, since not everyone will get to do or enjoy every aspect of this game, you pick the parts of the game that you like, this is the way it is designed.
There’s still too many roadblock inducing nodes, and some are just straight up mean. All kinds of dot inflicting nodes, aspect of nightmares, pull. Tunnel vision and mix master are pretty bad too when combined with 5 other awful nodes. Heck even escalating assault (the one where they get an unblockable charge every 6s, I think that’s what it’s called) is a huge pain.
The odds of getting a hard roadblock are bad enough to where getting a normal more typical run is the anomaly, and instead a roadblocked run is what’s common.
Then the block penetration on top of all of it at the higher zones is pretty excessive. Any missed input where I block instead of trying to dex is ridiculously punished. I might walk out of that fight with 40% health to be immediately met by aspect of nightmares or something. You see my point.
None of it would be so bad if there were some free revives and potions in the shop like in previous events, but there isn’t. Or if it didn’t cost 300 units to heal a champ to full one singular time, but it does.
I think the general theme is just how unforgiving it is. Play badly once and you say goodbye to hundreds of units. Get an impossible boss situation and you kiss your entire run goodbye. The player gets no slack whatsoever.
If I’m being fair I have to mention that being able to pick any hack you want in zone 1 is incredibly nice, and I applaud kabam for that one. But the rest of it still needs work imo.
I personally do not enjoy this game mode whatsoever.
Sure, let me just start again since I got roadblocked and waste some more hours of my life…. Tons of fun
Btw kabam, 65 units for a 5k healh revive? Are you kidding me? 5k health is NOTHING when the bosses have 40k attack
Bingo! The whole design of this game mode in retrospect to its resource system is simply idiotic.
invest all your hacks around one champ, stacking complimentary hacks until you get an absurd amount of damage. Rather than taking some generally useful but not synergistic hacks that will benefit a range of champs.
Totally agree about resource cost / effectiveness. The pots and revives are a bad joke at this point.
Here is some cringe for everyone. This is one of my room 8 selections in the sector 6 incursion. Yep the 3 useless boss hacks that are supposed to help us clear the new sector 7 now they are taking up the space of useful hacks in sector 6
Most people run Herc, Angela, Silk or Aegon for incursions and not getting the right hacks can immediately screw you over no matter who you're using.
Start with full striker
Unblock+Unstop hits give armor up
Lights give Armor up
Chance to stun on hit per armor up
Basically, you start w a striker, and then keep enemy stunlocked forever. If stuns expire, use striker or Kingpin SP3 (stuns).
Flaws: Stuns can expire too soon (RNG), every other defender has tenacity/shrugoff, One Eye Opened node = run is over.