Nerf Serpent while you still can
This champ is utter____ aw just isn’t fun anymore because of him and this magic thief meta. At least 4 people in my Alli are quitting allis all together some are just dropping out from the game all together because of this aw season. I am valiant and so is my good friend on the alli we talk almost every other day since we play this game everyday/every other, and yet we are quitting this game after 5 years because you Kbam missed the mark so much on this champ and meta. Like most of your offers this season and champ are tone deaf. I mean what does it say about you as a company if you lose 30 players in an instant I doubt it’s just me and our alliance who are mad if I am I’ll eat my words
A couple genuine questions:
1) Did you and your friend primarily buy your way to Valiant?
* Reason for asking is that if you haven’t, I would think you’ve struggled against other champs in the past, but eventually figured them out with time, experience, and understanding how to fight them more effectively.
2) Have you tried to learn Serpent’s mechanics, such as watching YouTube videos and/or practicing a lot of fight against him to better help understand how he works?
Crazy times.
like capiw, corvy, domihoe, ghost, void, to name a few. They were released in a span of few months and some are really too good, if not broken, on offense.
Also white tiger and claire works fine against him
Serpent ain't even broken imo. You wanna dex his specials? Just inflict stagger or Neutralize before he launches a special.Most top mystics easily counter him.
Doom, abs man, tigra, wiccan ,rintrah, juggs, kush, soc supreme, sym supreme, the hood, Chavez, Claire, just to name a few. Comparing him with bullseye and Onslaught is the worst take ever. He is a tough defender, not unfair or broken
Tactic is over next month, chill.
Even with tactic he isn't too bad if you know how to fight him, really.
Jesus, everybody wants everybody nerfed when they're hard to fight. It's sad.
and 2021 was packing stuff like cgr too but not as much stacked
If you’re having issues beating a champ that’s revolved around a game bug then it’s a skill issue. They made it hard for a reason. I for one appreciate a challenging fight. It makes the game more interesting. If you want sure easy fights join a lower tier ally. If your teammates are leaving find better players with more grit. And they leave because the game is is to hard then they weren’t worth keeping in the first place. This game is full of people always looking for an ally. My team is plat 6 and we run into serpent a lot. Most of us die fighting him to. Oh well next!
Defenders make them actually think and not just smash their way through the game. And we all know there's not alot of thinking going on around here sometimes.