Daily super event for valiant players

I think the loss of the daily crystal for a valiant players is being overlooked. This is just one pic of three days and although I'll admit it was a lucky pull it's definitely not an anomaly. The web-store also isn't available to all players. We have a few people that can't access it because of the country they live in. Any level under Valiant I agree the new Daily Super Event is better but I'm not so sure for valiant with the daily crystal loss. 

We are losing A daily crystal.
Guaranteed rewards >>> I’d rather have guaranteed good stuff than the small amounts of cats I pull a day. I’ve gotten shards like twice
The daily crystal is still available from the store
It means changing, not adding...
You are giving up RNG for actual rewards...
It works out for the best considering that you can actually have BAD RNG
It's a part of my morning routine...
And put legends celeb crystal in the calendar, weekly intervals.
I think people would appreciate that, especially when they don’t have much time to be on this game, let alone have to remember to go to a webpage daily to collect things.
And I STILL am fine with this change.
Secondly yea, I completely agree. Unless you’re getting like top 1% drop rates these rewards will be better in the long run. And even if you are getting top tier rng that won’t last forever, whereas the super event is consistent.
OP could also get 10% of the same crystal. So IMO super will give you what you want not kabam RNG wants to give.
If you are always lucky with your opening and always get these kind of stuffs than super event is bad. For unlucky summoners like me it is good.
Speaking of kabam RNG. I opened 15 Megentron crystal but I didn't get single 6* out of them. But my alliance members got 2 7* (including CMM) from 2 Megentron crystal.
I’m pretty sure this is the first time a level 5 potion can be consistently farmed without units. As someone who does the apothecary and 22h events daily I stack up on level 4 potions and usually have to seek them because I get too many. Now I can equally stack on level 4s and level 5s, not to mention the level 5s are twice as potent.
As a free to play player 7* shards have been annoying to acquire consistently, though I will say it’s been a lot better lately. Sometimes it’d take me close to a month to get a single 7* if content was stale at the time. Now I get a full 7* every 20 days just for playing the game normally, and this is in addition to every other source I already had.
That’s literally just the first tier, and I would genuinely trade one of my dailies just for those. This is a seriously awesome change, and I really hope it becomes permanent.
I’d say over the past 6 months, I’ve pulled 5k 7-star shards maybe like 4 times. And this is from having two daily crystals. Thats 20k shards over 6 months.
Compare that to getting 750 shards daily. 750 x 30 days x 6 months = 135k shards.
The same is true for the other types of guaranteed rewards.
Additionally, convenience is a major added benefit. With the hourly and daily crystals, if you don’t log in at your normally scheduled time, you lose some crystals/hours. Do that enough, and instead of getting 30 daily crystals for 30 days, you might end up with 28 crystals. And that can continue to happen over the next several months.
In contrast, with this new milestone system, you are not forced to log in at the same time each day. That is much more convenient, and much less fomo.
And you can also pick the t6b/t3a from the 2nd milestone selector. No RNG involved, everything guaranteed.
As a valiant, I love this event. And getting the crystal from the webstore is easy. I just have it opened in a tab on my phone. If you browse the internet on your phone, then claiming the crystal from the webstore each day should be automatic.
These complaints are so dumb 💀