Not a big complainer (incoming complaint)

I'm Paragon for a preface to this story.....I clawed , scratched and kicked groins to get to 5 tokens in vibranium 2(which is where I currently stand) and have been for 40 minutes and it feels like a legitimate direct attack and conspiracy theory. I just ended my SEVENTH final fight to get those illustrious 10k titan shards and FIVE of those fights my game glitched out , slowed down, and then eventually just reset itself. The other two were against accounts I didn't even think existed in the real world....I've never seen a 42k spiderham, 45k of them had a rank 4 Doom who was 29k.....I run suicides....none of my rank 4s are close to 29k ascended?!?!? No comments needed....I just needed to vent for a minute . I legitimately had a 15 match winning streak and then the game legitimately just said ain't getting those titan shards you Paragon scrub!!! End rant.
Are you running suicides?