Why is MCOC asking for 7.51GB free space for update?

What the title says.
Each update, the space requirement increases even though neither the update nor even the entire app itself uses even half of that space. It was 1GB, then 2, 3, 4 and last update asked for 6GB. Wtf is going on?
My phone is Redmi Note 10 Pro running Android 13 and I'm sick of this bs.
Each update, the space requirement increases even though neither the update nor even the entire app itself uses even half of that space. It was 1GB, then 2, 3, 4 and last update asked for 6GB. Wtf is going on?
My phone is Redmi Note 10 Pro running Android 13 and I'm sick of this bs.
After installed the space required is almost the same as before.
So, why ask for such huge space?
(1) Can’t recall how much larger of space my last FULL DOWNLOAD required.
But keep in mind that the storage usage of MCOC will creep up over the months, probably full of “cached” stuff from prior months that are not even part of the current game anymore.
As in, the last time I deleted and reinstalled from scratch, the game was up to maybe 3.5 or 4 GB space used. After re-downloading from scratch it was maybe only 2 GB space used afterwards.
So it does benefit to do a complete reinstall every now and again (just make sure you have a linked Kabam ID, or linked Game/Play Center usage).
(2) the PlayStore size of 300 MB that you mentioned is probably because that is the initial “kickstarter” portion of the App that initially gets loaded. Think of it like the PC “Install Shield” downloader, which then proceeds to download the rest of the program separately.
After that, the rest of the Update is downloaded separately, directly via Google PlayStore (or Apple AppStore), and not from whichever alternate Play Store (like Huawei) you may try to be side-loading it from (thus the issues 1-2 years ago when Kabam started doing downloads that way)
It finally downloaded after I freed up around 4GB but this shouldn't have happened in the first place. It doesn't happen with any other app except MCOC
If someone who actually works in mobile development (or at least does more research than me) wants to chime in, feel free.
Wtf is wrong with this app? @kabam crashed
Well something aint right with that device...
Are you using extra memory card? 🤣
i only have 100gb of free space, it will not let me do it. even though the exact same space will be taken as they are staying on the same drive.
i need to do it bit by bit.
as it essentially copies the files and then deletes them.
it does this so that if anything interrupts it there is less chance of losing data
same thing when it updates the app.
or any program.
it creates a backup copy of the existing app, then it installs the new update and then deletes the backup.
it does this so that it can roll back if any errors.
also you should be keeping free space anyway as drives slow down when there is less free space as it becomes harder and harder for cached data and to find free space when needed. this was a bigger thing back in the day of mechanical hard drives but still holds true to some extent.
Even in the unlikely possibility that it works like, it's still demanding more than twice the amount of space the entire app occupies
The second download happens INSIDE the app and that download file information is information of all of the contents, informations of the collectable champions and so on and that makes even more sense. With that explained then it’s only natural that the more the game grows then the larger game file will be.
Why it differs from the Apple version I can’t explain unless somehow found a way to compress the file or found a way to get all the necessary download information in one go and finish. I can see that my Apple Mcoc app version cost 2,04GB to download.
Sometimes I play on a Samsung device and I can tell that the quality differs from each as it seems to be more richer quality colours and so on in a Samsung while in Apple it’s kind of an watered down version 🤷🏽♂️
Games like MCOC will in general require a lot more resources than other apps: this can explain why this issue seems to be more pronounced with MCOC than other apps.
Why it appears to be asking for over twice the space of the footprint of the game may be due to a combination of compressing and thinning. Resource files for both iOS and Android tend to be compressed, and when you have compressed files you need space for the compressed archives plus additional space for the decompressed files. So let's say MCOC takes up 3GB on a particular Android phone (more on that in a sec) but the download is compressed say three to one and thus is only 1GB - to make it quicker to download. The phone now needs at least 4GB, 1GB for the downloaded file, and then three more GB to hold the decompressed resources. Once they are decompressed they can be moved to where they are supposed to go and then they won't be taking up additional space, but for at least a moment the phone needs to hold the original game files, the downloaded update file, and the decompressed versions of the update files.
On top of that, both Android and iOS have features that allow an app to have all the files necessary to run on all the different kinds of devices it could run on, but then delete the ones it doesn't need on the particular device it is actually on. So it is possible for an app that takes up 3GB on your device to come from an app that is actually 4GB big, say, and it is only 3GB on your particular phone because 1GB of stuff was removed due to being unnecessary. This is sometimes referred to as app thinning.
When you factor all of this together, that can explain the high free space requirements in theory. First, the Google Play store lists only a tiny fraction of the size of the actual update. The actual update is much larger, but that size is not listed. The actual update includes an installer and one or more compressed content files. The phone needs enough space to download the installer, and the compressed content files, and have enough free space to decompress the compressed files. And a little bit more for things like temp files and scratch space for the installer itself to actually run. And on top of that the update files can be larger than you might expect by just looking at the size of the app on your phone, because the size of the app on your phone might be smaller than the complete app is, to support additional files that are required to support other kinds of devices, and were deleted from your phone once they were determined to be unnecessary.
Just wondering when the game was 1gb how many champs were there ?? How many quest were there(act 8, necro etc )??
How can u add that many content + champ without taking some space ??
Not sure whether it's a problem from playstore side or kabam side.
Also when MCOC or some other app downloads additional files, it shows up in the notification bar. MCOC only does that for fresh installs and occasionally for monthly updates. It's not doing that for patch updates.
The size of this update is 210Mb (Google shows update size differently from app size and you can view exactly how much space an app takes in your phone. In my case it's 3.16GB) I honestly doubt they're compressing gigabytes of files to 210mb. In my rough observation, there seems to be a bug where MCOC demands an arbitrary amount of space but if you free up slightly above the space it takes in your phone then clear Google Play data, it installs.
I have other apps and games in my phone and none of them do this. Not even Call of Duty, the famous space hogger. It's an MCOC-specific issue.
Mcoc different than other apps have 8+ years of hard progression