Cloak and Dagger (as separate characters): Concept Ability Kit

Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 410 ★★

Class: Science


Cloak’s Body is half ethereal. All attacks have a 20% chance to Miss.
The Darkforce Dimension grants Cloak immense power. Under 2 bars of power, he passively fills a bar every 7 seconds.
Advanced regenerative abilities double the original regeneration abilities of Cloak, including through Willpower Mastery. He is not affected by the Recoil Mastery, but takes damage from Double Edge and Poison.
After a damaging debuff ends on Cloak, regenerate upto 33% of damage taken by that damaging debuff. Regeneration stack-able.

Darkforce meter
Cloak starts the fight with 100 charges in his Darkforce meter. Each hit gains 1 charge. Charges fall off when Cloak is away from his opponent. Dashing in to the opponent gains charges depending on the distance from which dashed. If he is knocked down, he loses 20 charges.
Above 150 charges, Cloak gains a Dark Aura around him. Proximity to the attacker inflicts 1 indefinite Passive Degeneration per second, that falls off one at a time when Cloak moves away from the opponent.
Above 200 charges, Cloak enters Darkforce Overload. He himself starts to Degenerate, removing 0.4% of his current health every 3 seconds, but increasing attack rating by %, and proximity to the attacker steals <> health every <> seconds.
(For example, at 224 charges, his attack rating is increased by 24%)

Basic hits
All basic hits inflict a Rupture debuff for 10 seconds.

Heavy Attack
Charging a heavy attack gains Darkforce charges scaling with time charged.
(Hard to pinpoint a number)

Above 100 Darkforce Charges, all of Cloak’s Special Attacks inflict Delirium on the opponent.

Special Attack 1:
When special attack 1 ends, Cloak enters Krakoan Might for 20 seconds. During this mode, his DNA overloads and consumes Darkforce charges rapidly. Hitting the opponent inflicts Degeneration for 10 seconds, he gains Buff Immunity and Stun Immunity.

Special Attack 2:
When special attack 2 starts, Cloak enters Negative Dimension for 20 seconds. During Negative Dimension, Cloak is Shrouded and is hence Untouchable. Each hit consumes up-to 3 Rupture debuffs on the opponent, dealing burst damage for each Rupture removed. The last hit consumes all remaining Rupture and replaces them with Degenerations of 1.5x the potency for 8 seconds. Gains an indefinite Passive Prowess increasing damage by all special attacks by +35%.

Special Attack 3
Dagger helps her friend Cloak with her Lightforce Powers. All Darkforce charges are consumed and Cloak is regenerated by Dagger’s Life Steal.
The first 3 times this special attack activates, Cloak gains Dark Horse of Negative for 20 seconds. The potency of all Degenerations is increased by +200% and inflict 50 Physical Vulnerability Debuffs of 1 second each, that fall off one by one.

Signature Ability
Darkforce Overload Boost: When Cloak enters Darkforce Overload, his Attack Rating increases by an additional X% for every 10 Darkforce charges above 200. Additionally, his health steal from proximity to the opponent is increased by X%. He loses X% health less during Darkforce Overload.
Cloak becomes immune to Nullify effects.
The Darkforce meter charges fall off at a slower rate when Cloak is away from his opponent, allowing him to maintain his Darkforce state longer. The rate of charge gain from dashing in is increased by X%.


Class: Science (although I've built her like a Mutant)

Dagger’s first light, second light, fourth light heavy and some hits of special attacks are dagger throws and are hence, non-contact and energy. All dagger hits inflict Bleed for 7 seconds unless specified otherwise.
Tandy’s Bowen Lifeforce powers help her heal and shrug off damaging debuffs. The duration of all damaging debuffs are decreased by 70%. When a damage over time Debuff or Passive expires on Tandy, she gains a Regeneration Buff, allowing her to heal over 10 seconds. As a defender, if the attacker lands an energy attack, she gains a non-stacking Regeneration Buff. The potency is increased by +7.5% each time it activates or refreshes.
All of Dagger’s damaging debuffs fall off one at a time, and their duration is refreshed when landing a heavy attack.

If Dagger activates the Dexterity mastery by dodging an attack, she gains a Prowess Buff of +10% potency 10 seconds. (Does not apply if Precision effect by Dexterity is already active) If she has a relic equipped, she gains 2 Prowess Buffs.

If Phase is not active, ending a combo with a medium attack causes Dagger to enter Phase. Striking a medium attack or Parrying the opponent removes Phase. Light-intercepting the opponent during Phase inflicts a Vulnerability Passive for 8 seconds.
All hits except blocked hits or hits landed while Dagger is charging a heavy attack Miss.
Each hit by Dagger during Phase deals a %age of the attack as a burst of energy, and Tandy regenerates <%> of the energy damage.
If Phase ends, or if a hit lands on Dagger while Phase is active, it goes on cooldown for 25 seconds.

Heavy Attack
Dagger’s heavy attack can be charged for up to 1.8 seconds. Charging this heavy during Perfect Stun grants 12% of a bar of power for every 0.2 seconds charged.
If Perfect Stun is not active, inflict an Infuriate debuff for 6 seconds.
(Works for about 3 intercepts)

Special Attack 1 (Dagger hit, Phase hand through opponent, Uppercut, 3 knife throws):
The second hit of this special attack Life Steals 0.5% of the opponent’s health (max. 2500). Each dagger hit inflicts Bleed, dealing <> damage.

Special Attack 2
Holding block during the duration of this attack slows down time. Swiping right on the screen just before a dagger throw activates Perfect Release. All hits by Perfect Release are Guaranteed Critical and deal +5% damage as Life Steal. Dagger is regenerated for 100% of additional damage. If the opponent is knocked down by a Perfect Release, the opponent is inflicted with a Perfect Stun for 3 seconds. This acts as a normal Stun debuff, but the opponent’s regeneration rate is reduced by -150% and buff duration is reduced by 5 seconds for the duration of this Stun.

Special Attack 3
Inflict a Crush Passive for 10 seconds.
Gain a high-damaging Fury buff for 15 seconds. This Fury is passive if the special attack is launched when Phase is active.

Signature Ability: Darkforce Inversion
Dagger’s Lightforce is reversed as she enters the Darkforce. At the start of each fight, she gains <1-5> (rounded down) Darkforce Charges. Every time Dagger activates a special attack, the opponent is inflicted with Disillusioned. While Disillusioned is active, the opponent is Reverse Controlled, and takes <> damage over time, scaling with sigs and base attack.

• The basal idea was to use her like Absorbing Man to keep Phase up. MM to get Phase. To keep Phase up, light-intercept. For passive opponent, block and bait heavy, then punish heavy to inflict Infuriate.
• Build to 2.5 bars of power.
• Launch sp2
• Charge heavy during Perfect Stun
• Launch sp2 again
• Rinse and repeat

To those who asked for Cloak and Dagger as the same character: DON'T WORRY. I'm releasing that soon.

PS. The only reason I post in General "Discussion" is so that the entire community can actually "discuss" these matters.


  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    First of all I think the idea of cloaks kit is really interesting, having him be a proximity based character that plays kinda like immortal hulk is cool sky the idea of his special attack effects are pretty interesting, but I think there's some balancing issues.

    I don't think giving him a 20% chance to miss attacks all the time is really necessary, since even at a low chance it's not even worth risking attacking in if you don't have a miss counter and doesn't really add anything to the fight. I would also say that in general it's just way overtuned and seems to be more focused around making it as hard of a defender as possible. Increasing his regen rate by 100% at the start of the fight is pretty nuts even with his self damaging abilities, and the biggest issue with the kit is the 20 seconds of untouchable on the sp2. That's way too strong. That in conjunction with getting 2 bars of power every 14 seconds without even having a reduced combat power rate means that he's essentially going to be phasing for the entire match and before you know it your back is against the wall and you can't get away from him so his degen just destroys you while he just keeps stealing your health.

    His sp2 also grants an indefinite 35% prowess which doesn't seem to have a stack limit, which just sky rockets his damage with no skill required since even he gets hit with dot he heals 66% of the damage taken from it at the end of the debuff, whilst also healing a lot from just having the debuff on him if he's got willpower. Then take into account that in war and bgs he's gonna likely benefit from willpower and inequity he's gonna just gonna be impossible to kill with even 1 or 2 nodes that would make him genuinely unkillable.

    His sp3 and sig are both way too much also. The last thing he needs his more damage and he gains 3 separate damage increases from his sp3 and sig on top of also gaining even more healing and dark force charges. There's also the inclusion of him becoming nullify immune despite having buff immunity as a part of his kit and no personal buffs which just feels like adding things for the sake of adding them.

    Cloak is similar, her kit is solid as an idea but still need another pass. Unless I'm reading the kit wrong, she can basically phase indefinitely as long as you don't use mediums or parry while still being able to attack? That on top of having a lot of life steal and reverse controls which just feels like it's there to be there.

    They could both definitely work but there's just way too much in both kits that I think is either too strong or just unnecessary

  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 410 ★★

    I don't think giving him a 20% chance to miss attacks all the time is really necessary, since even at a low chance it's not even worth risking attacking in if you don't have a miss counter and doesn't really add anything to the fight.

    My thoughts? Spidey has a 30% chance to evade attacks. Almost everytime he evades a medium, he dashes right back in for a combo to you face, which is just annoying unless you have a slow or coldsnap champ on your team.

    Increasing his regen rate by 100% at the start of the fight is pretty nuts even with his self damaging abilities, and the biggest issue with the kit is the 20 seconds of untouchable on the sp2. That's way too strong. That in conjunction with getting 2 bars of power every 14 seconds without even having a reduced combat power rate means that he's essentially going to be phasing for the entire match and before you know it your back is against the wall and you can't get away from him so his degen just destroys you while he just keeps stealing your health.

    I thought so too, but then i remembered hood. It's basically sp2 spam till KO. In retrospect, it would be optimal to reduce the untouchable time to 12 seconds, prehaps?

    His sp2 also grants an indefinite 35% prowess which doesn't seem to have a stack limit, which just sky rockets his damage with no skill required since even he gets hit with dot he heals 66% of the damage taken from it at the end of the debuff, whilst also healing a lot from just having the debuff on him if he's got willpower. Then take into account that in war and bgs he's gonna likely benefit from willpower and inequity he's gonna just gonna be impossible to kill with even 1 or 2 nodes that would make him genuinely unkillable.

    It's the same thing you had against Lizard as well, @WednesdayLength. I'd like a suggestion. Perhaps you'd prefer if the debuff regen was reduced to 16%? that way, he can actually regen just 33%?

    His sp3 and sig are both way too much also. The last thing he needs his more damage and he gains 3 separate damage increases from his sp3 and sig on top of also gaining even more healing and dark force charges. There's also the inclusion of him becoming nullify immune despite having buff immunity as a part of his kit and no personal buffs which just feels like adding things for the sake of adding them.

    I disagree to this. It's a number game that I really couldn't pinpoint no matter how heard I tried, but I have enough experience to know that it can be edited as needed. Too strong? Decrease the number. Too weak? Give it a little boost. But the signature ability is based on the fact that Cloak relies on Darkforce Charges, so their fall off rate is decreased slightly. As for sp3, perhaps you'd prefer if Dark Horse of Negative was reduced to 15 seconds?

    Cloak is similar, her kit is solid as an idea but still need another pass. Unless I'm reading the kit wrong, she can basically phase indefinitely as long as you don't use mediums or parry while still being able to attack? That on top of having a lot of life steal and reverse controls which just feels like it's there to be there.

    It's not easy. Absman needs immense skill to light intercept with. It also implies that even against the most aggressive of opponents, you can only launch 3 hits against them before you can dodge back, and you can't even dodge in to bait the AI into dodging in when you dash back so you can light-intercept.
    And parrying: Have you played with Adam Warlock? Not easy to not parry against aggressive opponents. But he has Unblockable till Sovereignty Buffs are active he can use medium attacks. Dagger doesn't. It would take skill to keep Phase active. And it's not even like Kitty, where you can dash in, launch 3 hits, and dash back and do it all over again. You have to light intercept, or hope that your heavy lands. You'll notice that if the opponent lands a Miss or a hit while Dagger is charging a heavy, Phase turns off there as well. So yes, in my opinion, it will take skill to keep Phase up.

    @DNA3000, if you can, I'd love some insight on pinpointing a number for the Darkforce Charge rate, and for Phase on Dagger, as @WednesdayLength says the issue may seem.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★

    I don't think giving him a 20% chance to miss attacks all the time is really necessary, since even at a low chance it's not even worth risking attacking in if you don't have a miss counter and doesn't really add anything to the fight.

    My thoughts? Spidey has a 30% chance to evade attacks. Almost everytime he evades a medium, he dashes right back in for a combo to you face, which is just annoying unless you have a slow or coldsnap champ on your team.

    This is true, but miss is an entirely seperate thing. there are very few champions that can counter miss right out of the gate meaning that for the most part you're going to be parrying and hitting him a couple times but maybe still missing because stun doesn't stop miss. then if you look at characters that can stop miss from the start of the fight you have bullseye who has no way to stop the regen, and gladiator who applies too many dot debuffs so he'll be regenerating like crazy.

    Increasing his regen rate by 100% at the start of the fight is pretty nuts even with his self damaging abilities, and the biggest issue with the kit is the 20 seconds of untouchable on the sp2. That's way too strong. That in conjunction with getting 2 bars of power every 14 seconds without even having a reduced combat power rate means that he's essentially going to be phasing for the entire match and before you know it your back is against the wall and you can't get away from him so his degen just destroys you while he just keeps stealing your health.

    I thought so too, but then i remembered hood. It's basically sp2 spam till KO. In retrospect, it would be optimal to reduce the untouchable time to 12 seconds, prehaps?

    you're ignoring that hoods miss only gets 3 guaranteed misses before the chance to miss goes down. even if you are sp2 spamming you're not gonna be able to be consistently missing every single attack for the entire match. Honestly giving him a straight up untouchable when he already has a chance to miss just feels too much especially given that that as an attacker he's gonna be near unkillable. I think if anything the sp2 effect should just increase his base chance to miss for maybe 10 seconds, because with his power gain and not having reduced combat power rate he'll be back up to sp2 in like 2 5 hit combos

    His sp2 also grants an indefinite 35% prowess which doesn't seem to have a stack limit, which just sky rockets his damage with no skill required since even he gets hit with dot he heals 66% of the damage taken from it at the end of the debuff, whilst also healing a lot from just having the debuff on him if he's got willpower. Then take into account that in war and bgs he's gonna likely benefit from willpower and inequity he's gonna just gonna be impossible to kill with even 1 or 2 nodes that would make him genuinely unkillable.

    It's the same thing you had against Lizard as well, @WednesdayLength. I'd like a suggestion. Perhaps you'd prefer if the debuff regen was reduced to 16%? that way, he can actually regen just 33%?

    I think it's a case of giving him one or the other. if you wanna give him double strength willpower that alone is nuts, he doesn't need an additional 2 sources of regen. there are very few characters in the game with more than 1 source of regen and those are do either require skill to keep them up or they're just consistently quite weak

    His sp3 and sig are both way too much also. The last thing he needs his more damage and he gains 3 separate damage increases from his sp3 and sig on top of also gaining even more healing and dark force charges. There's also the inclusion of him becoming nullify immune despite having buff immunity as a part of his kit and no personal buffs which just feels like adding things for the sake of adding them.

    I disagree to this. It's a number game that I really couldn't pinpoint no matter how heard I tried, but I have enough experience to know that it can be edited as needed. Too strong? Decrease the number. Too weak? Give it a little boost. But the signature ability is based on the fact that Cloak relies on Darkforce Charges, so their fall off rate is decreased slightly. As for sp3, perhaps you'd prefer if Dark Horse of Negative was reduced to 15 seconds?

    sure it can be edited, which is why i'm giving suggestions. take kindred for example, his damage is entirely in his degen. his special attacks basically exist to either get to the degen quicker or keep it active for longer, and his sig increases the damage of it based on lost health. he doesn't have 4 seperate ways of increasing not only the degend damage by 200% but also increasing his base attack rating and his special damage indefinitely. like my last point there are very few champions in the game that have more than 1 maybe 2 ways of increasing their damage and for each one the potency of the others decreases to balance it out. i get that he's supposed to be a high risk high rewward character, but you can't increase the reward whilst decreasing the risk because that makes him completely unbalanced. with all the regen in this kit and all the ways to increase his damage it basically becomes easier and easier to stay alive even when he's damaging himself whilst also increasing the damage he does which is completely unbalanced. I think you should go back through and just choose a few elements to take out because it sounds like you want to create this high risk character but also want to minimise the risk, you have to pick one.

    Cloak is similar, her kit is solid as an idea but still need another pass. Unless I'm reading the kit wrong, she can basically phase indefinitely as long as you don't use mediums or parry while still being able to attack? That on top of having a lot of life steal and reverse controls which just feels like it's there to be there.

    It's not easy. Absman needs immense skill to light intercept with. It also implies that even against the most aggressive of opponents, you can only launch 3 hits against them before you can dodge back, and you can't even dodge in to bait the AI into dodging in when you dash back so you can light-intercept.
    And parrying: Have you played with Adam Warlock? Not easy to not parry against aggressive opponents. But he has Unblockable till Sovereignty Buffs are active he can use medium attacks. Dagger doesn't. It would take skill to keep Phase active. And it's not even like Kitty, where you can dash in, launch 3 hits, and dash back and do it all over again. You have to light intercept, or hope that your heavy lands. You'll notice that if the opponent lands a Miss or a hit while Dagger is charging a heavy, Phase turns off there as well. So yes, in my opinion, it will take skill to keep Phase up.

    heres the thing though, based on the kit you created her phase doesn't end when she takes a hit into miss. unless i'm missing something the only way to end phase is to use a medium or parry, so how does it take skill to keep up? even if you light intercept it's pretty risk free because you're going to be phasing every attack anyway, and there's nothing in the kit that suggests missing an attack causes the phase to end. additionally, if she's designed as a character that you light intercept with then there's no need for her to regen so much since she's not gonna be taking much damage to begin with. absorbing man isn't that hard to light intercept with, and his forms don't offer as much protection as her phase does. I implore you to reread the kit because i'm not seeing anyting in there that states phase ends when she misses a hit.

    @DNA3000, if you can, I'd love some insight on pinpointing a number for the Darkforce Charge rate, and for Phase on Dagger, as @WednesdayLength says the issue may seem.
    I think the issue with these kits is that it feels like you just keep adding things without looking back at what's already been written. editing is important, and whilst it can be fun to keep adding abilities these kits are full of unecessary elements that should havebeen changed or removed as you do various passes through them.

    I'm not going to say that my champion concepts are perfect or the best example of how they should be done, but I go back through them 4 or 5 times once the whole thing has been finished to try and decide if all of the elements come together and are balanced and that's why they take so long to put together. I genuinely really like the general idea of cloaks kit, but it's simply too strong and even if you say it's a numbers game and it all balances out it really doesn't and could do with another pass and comparison to characters already in the game to decide if it feels balanced.

    idk if you watch the spotlight with context videos that DLL does, but i would reccomend them. he talks about the economy of character design and how there's essentially only so much room for a characters kit and certain things like immunities take up a lot of space within that, so characters with lots of immunities have to have their other abilities toned down to make sure that a character isn't completely unkillable. almost all of the individual elements in these kits are strong on their own and in most kits would be the entire focus as they take up a lot of design room, but they have about 5 or 6 things of the same size all crammed into a kit that becomes overloaded with unecessary elements. cloak as he is here would be borderline impossible to fight as a defender and completely unkillable on attack
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    @DNA3000, if you can, I'd love some insight on pinpointing a number for the Darkforce Charge rate, and for Phase on Dagger, as @WednesdayLength says the issue may seem.

    I haven't responded to this yet, because I'm not sure there's a right number for Darkforce charge rate, in the sense that I'm still thinking about how all this is going to work numerically. Like why wouldn't I just try to corner the defender and melt him?

    Above 200 charges he degens himself for 0.4%/3s, which is 0.13%/s. This is a trivial degen amount. For reference, the design doubles base regen rate, which means when Willpower ordinarily heals 0.7%/sec per unique debuff, Cloak will now be healing 1.4%/s. We kinda know this is broken, because of the Willpower changes of long ago, but let's calculate. With Liquid Courage we're taking 0.6%/sec. Poison reduces regen by 30%, so our Willpower heal from LC drops from 1.4%/sec to 0.98%/s. We're already regen positive with LC: we're healing 0.38%/s, and taking 0.13% from Darkforce degen. That's net 0.25%/sec positive health recovery.

    If we add DE1 to the mix, we add an additional 10%/8s = 1.25%/s damage over eight seconds. Willpower will counter 0.98%/s, which means we will be taking 0.27%/s from DE. With the 0.25% positive health recovery we had, we're left with -0.02%/s net overall damage taken over eight seconds. That's completely unnoticeable. What's more, after DE expires, Cloak would heal back 33% of DE's damage, which means Cloak would get a 3.3% insta-heal. 0.02%/s of damage over eight seconds is 0.16% net health lost. So Cloak with LC and DE1 is in a position that, even if he somehow just always had the degeneration on him constantly, would still be net regen positive, and by a lot. Which means there is just no real downside to just pushing a defender to the wall and melting them. His gigantic regeneration and interactions with Willpower and recoil masteries mean he just doesn't notice the degen at all.

    [Note: I know I didn't factor in Recovery. It wasn't even necessary given where the numbers were going.]

    So the question is less how fast should he ramp up, and more is this too powerful at any ramp up. I guess it would depend on the strength of the passive degen (above 150) and the life steal, but if both of those are trivial in strength that would make one of his big selling point abilities meaningless.

    The *idea* of it seems too strong, and it is difficult to find numbers that aren't too powerful but still meaningful.
  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 722 ★★★
    Yall writing some mf novels over here.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    Yall writing some mf novels over here.

    These aren't actually novels. Novels were a form of fictional prose primarily consumed by the reasonably educated from around two thousand years ago to about 2006, when twitter was invented and literacy became obsolete. Definitions vary, but the generally accepted length requirement for them was about 50,000 words or so: works shorter than that were typically referred to as short stories or novellas.

    You might be surprised to learn this, but once upon a time printed words were the primary means of communication outside of person to person conversation, not just to convey fictional stories but also ideas and expressions of a non-fictional nature, and while they were limited in many ways they focused much of their constructive effort on things like grammar, precision of expression, disambiguity, and pertinent perspective, things now seen as generally vestigial distractions to the primary purpose of expression, which is to draw attention to one's self in as aggrandizing manner as possible.
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 410 ★★
    @DNA3000 thank you kindly. Working on bug fixes.
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