My two cents on Serpent, two minor changes should be enough

FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 601 ★★★★
edited August 2024 in General Discussion
  • He pushes opponent to the corner after SP3, this is horrible because in war even if you took a IV boost or you just survived from the SP3, he will keep attack you in the corner and keep getting power, eventually kill you. I believe Serpent is the only one that pushing opponent to corner after SP3, I don't understand why he is so unique, giving he can auto-gain power, this is a overkill.

  • His awakening ability: he can gain power while death immunity is triggered, and he can still get the power gain buffer, so he can be totally out of control when those two power gain add up. It will be much better if he can't get his regular power gain buffer when death immunity triggered.
I believe he is still a good defender even if these two abilities were changed.
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