Serpent Really Isn’t Getting Rebalanced?

Wow. I can’t believe Kabam has decided Serpent isn’t overturned and ridiculous. No changes to how he interacts with nodes and no changes to be able to take him down with more competitive scores. The rebalance program is a farce and a joke.
Dr. Zola
Some Champs are just stronger than others at some aspects, and that's always been the case. I've seen a number of Champs that have been called too powerful over the years, and within 6 months time, people were so used to fighting them that they were scarcely challenging anymore.
When you draft Serpent and they draft a counter: oh they drafted Kushala/Chavez/Sasquatch/CGR/Wiccan/SymSupreme it's still a 55-60 sec fight I don't care I can still beat that score.
I really don't understand wtf they were thinking here, all the Serpent counters are still so slow you stand no chance.
I'm curious as to what the thought process behind this was, I want to know what part of Dex Removal, Strong Power Gain, Death Immunity, Pierce and extreme Tankiness was healthy for the game.
I already have such a love/hate relationship with bgs and every time I try to get back into it I get something pushing me out. Bad ai, unbalanced metas, lag, loading times, and now the worst of defenders being allowed to run rampant. I’m done.
This is fine for me in BGs, but it's absolutely unhealthy for the game.
I did a Chavez vs serpent fight today. My r3 vs a r5A and it took 80 seconds. So much time wasted, even with the power reversal. You barely crit too so you can get massively screwed (ik it can be done in 55-60 but he wasn’t playing ball). Hate Serpent so much.
A. Take a **** ton of block damage.
B. Eat an sp3.
C. He heals back to like 20% and drags out the fight for another 20 seconds.
Like what do they expect us to even do, I was excited about next season but now I'm just gonna have to take out Serpent out of my deck and permaban him cause of rich get richer.
So I either put my faith in the hands of RNGesus, or I ban him.
Just a hunch but I don’t think they have the manpower available for the rebalance program at the moment. Hence everyone performing as intended.