Uhh Upcoming Buffs?

I didn't see any posts about this here today:

But this just looks very random to me especially since it's a Twitter post with zero context which they don't do very often.

But this just looks very random to me especially since it's a Twitter post with zero context which they don't do very often.
Really hope that he does get one, tech class could use some love and he’s a fun champ. DPX too cause his first buff is one of the worst buffs they’ve done
It definitely makes sense too since he's saga. DPX isn't so that one makes less sense BUT his buff would probably be out by next saga so that would explain that + the movie did come out a month ago. I think I speak for most people when I say we need a usable Deadpool in game cause not having one is a crime. Hopefully this means Sentinel first, DPX after, Luke was a clear example of a buff after a buff so it is entirely possible.
Back on topic, even if Sentinel doesn’t get a model update (I’ve never really gotten people’s hangups with the current one personally) I do really hope it gets a buff. Sentinel’s been left behind for years and its upgraded versions in Nimrod and OS have made it truly outclassed in almost every conceivable manner. I’d love to see it with a fresh coat of paint, preferably soon to help with the lackluster attacker pool this saga.
And yeah DPX is the worst proper buff they’ve ever done, give him a do-over please. I don’t think any other buff is even in spitting distance. I could rant about his weird and confusing design for paragraphs. If Kabam wants to devote one of the buffs to him instead of an untouched champs that’s fine by me.
Also sinsiter is chase champ, so Sentinel's buff makes sense.
Dpx already got one, it's unlikely they buff him again.
look at his chest it looks completely different
the part above the core is gone and core's design also looks different
same about the abs part
also the feet ( shoes ) are a little bit different