This bug has cost me 300
Whenever I start a fight sometimes my game just crashes and when I log back into the game the champion with which I attempted to start the fight loses half of their current health. If my champion has 100% HP then my HP would of down to 50% and if my starting hp was 50% then my hip would go down to 25%. If this bug happens in one of the areas where I can just hop back into the fight immediately after the game loads then my champ doesn’t lose any health, like story content. In incursions and AQ though, that isn’t an option. Before writing this I was in a sector 6 incursions run with my 5* herc 6* cgr and 5* silk with tide of combat. I attempted to start the fight with my herc who had exactly 36 hp. Not 36% hp, just 36hp. Then when my game crashed instead of finding my herc with 18hp my herc was dead. I think that this happened cuz 18hp is less than 1% and the game just rounded down to 0%. It didn’t do that with 36hp cuz I had finished the previous fight with that much hp and the game has to show something so it shows 1%. Anyway I lost the 300 units I spent on this run since silk and cgr had already died. What should I do and should I even expect any compensation?
To stop constant restarting of a fight with champions who have cheat death abilities.