champions freeze for 1 sec during fights

It has happened many times...sometimes during arena but mainly during fighting mini bosses and bosses....plz fix this as its very annoying specially when u r doing AQ,AW and harder quests like act 5...had to use so many units for revives and potions coz of this...
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Don't forget to head to the app store to give this most recent update a review. Their ears seem to perk-up then and only then.
It's been happening a lot in all game modes, your champs suddenly stop responding then ai goes nuts and wrecks you and happens a couple of more times in fight
Also noticed a drop in background graphics since Android servers came back online e.g. no flying robots at the prison or Rocket or Groot wanted posters at the space place.
Other than that game play and loading times seem to be much better since update but hard to enjoy that aspect if game is regularly not registering commands.
Android: Samsung s5 Neo