R5 50

I have enough t4cc to max rank a mystic and a mutant. I just pulled a Mephisto and an AA. Until then I planed on ranking up an unduped Majik and a duped X-23. I have r4 bleed and r3 MD so X-23 is a lot of fun and easy. I mostly do quests since I’m not in an alliance. I also have a generic awaking gem for one of the three unduped 4*s. Any thoughts on who would make the strongest questing teammates? My other maxed out 4*s at high sig levels are SW, Hyperion, Starlord, Rocket, WW cap, Storm, Electro and Thor. My only decent 5* is a unduped r3-45 Hulk, with the mediocre cyclops, WS, Cap, then real garbage IP, Groot, Gambit, Karnak and Old Man Logan (make me sick)
Who would you awaken AA, Majik or Mephisto
He will assist greatly with questing. Magik is fine unduped if you are just using her for questing and mephisto as well.
My wife says It’s my fear of commitment lol. Probably the only rank 213000 not in one!
Best post for today. Love the wife.