Increase Raid Revives

This is probably the fourth time I've written in the forum to increase raid revives but it takes more than 14 raid revives to actually clear the map.
That being said kabam won't budge.
That being said kabam won't budge.
12% damage cap means you NEED 8-9 per fight, though it's actually less when you add in starting life and fight ending life factors.
Of course, you can't hit damage cap every time (sometimes), so throw in a 33% increase for having potential throw away fights for each player to build charges for someone else. That puts you at 11-12 per fight needed.
If you're burning through 14 each week yourself, maybe check in with your path teammates and see what they're burning through.
The math says it's doable in less than the available revives, skill and roster determine whether or not it can actually be done, and they can't increase free stuff because some players are not as good as others.