Who to R3 Rank - 7 star?

Finally got R3 Catalysts for Skill, Mutant and Science ONLY.

Who would you suggest to R3?


  • Niko2711Niko2711 Member Posts: 5
    P.S i have a rank 1-2 gem….No cosmic Catalyst so cannot go with Venom to R3. Im thinking Elsa, Chee or Storm for damage….🤔
  • Yuvraj_267Yuvraj_267 Member Posts: 397
    Niko2711 said:

    P.S i have a rank 1-2 gem….No cosmic Catalyst so cannot go with Venom to R3. Im thinking Elsa, Chee or Storm for damage….🤔

    Ebony maw, sunspot, shuri, titania and crossbones (since he awakened) are very good options. You should watch lags that video
  • Niko2711Niko2711 Member Posts: 5
    I did watch the video already :) My style of play is high damage in a short period of time. Ebony and crossbones not rly best for me. Storm damage higher than sunspot, titania already too good, doesnt need R3 for now, shuri no catalyst unfortunately. So want Venom but still not enough catalysts. Hence the confusion! Lol
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 972 ★★★
    edited October 2024
  • Niko2711Niko2711 Member Posts: 5
    I tested Cheeilth. Bleed immune champs seems to be an issue for her…quite longer fights…thoughts?

  • jdschwjdschw Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    Once she's awakened, she takes bleed immune champs just fine. She just starts critting like crazy.
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 770 ★★★★
    edited October 2024
    Yh she would be alot better if her crit damage also increased massively per spirit charge. It does but by only 100+ at r3. The difference in crit dmg between 1 and 10 spirit charges is really not noticable LIKE AT ALL. She can take bleed immunes awakened yes but it takes a while. It's very safe tho.

    I took out AW showcase x magica THING with her last time. Got the solo but took 4 minutes. It was safe BUT long. Better than nothing I suppose. She was also r4 6* so not too bad.

    But I'd say cheeilth is the way to go or at least should be in the consideration. She's SUPER good for alliance war. Like I'm not exaggerating how useful she is. Takes a lot of fights you wouldn't think she'd be good for. She's also been super relevant for these endgame quests we've been getting of late. Also very good for skill lanes as she does everything a skill should except counter evade 🤧. But still she does a lot. Great option for hazard shifts
  • aslaslaslaslaslaslaslaslaslasl Member Posts: 37
    Bullseye maybe? If you play bgs. He is either instant ban or auto win
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    Bullseye , Titania
  • Niko2711Niko2711 Member Posts: 5
    To awaken Chee will take me ages! Not that lucky lol. I have bullseye awaken already 6* maxed! Same with Dust…😅 Im honestly thinking Elsa due to the counter evade and crits…and that sp2 on rank 3 will be crazy! Even unawakened, she's very good!
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