Hate the side quest(they only care about the whales and higher progression players)

This is the worst side quest ever.Who even thought of this disaster.I was barely able to do the 2014 SQ because i had a 6 star juggs and some decent champions but the for 2015 i dont have any good champs to do it before u say skill issue i will tell u what i have in my roster
black widow (og)
ms marvel
spider gwen
and yeha these are the only 6 star champs i have available for the quest.
i have not leveled up any of them except venom cuz its a waste of resources.I am tb rn and i can't waste resources and iso for some mysterium and rank up trash champions.
The developers are changing gamemodes only thinking about higher progression players and whales. How do you expect new players or ftp low progression players to be able to get and rank up specific champs just for some mysterium.
black widow (og)
ms marvel
spider gwen
and yeha these are the only 6 star champs i have available for the quest.
i have not leveled up any of them except venom cuz its a waste of resources.I am tb rn and i can't waste resources and iso for some mysterium and rank up trash champions.
The developers are changing gamemodes only thinking about higher progression players and whales. How do you expect new players or ftp low progression players to be able to get and rank up specific champs just for some mysterium.
The more you grow, develop and open crystals the more options you have. Simple as that.
You only get mysterium and it’s about as fun as watching the paint dry.
If i could send some of those mats your way i would.
Hang in there,..’tis the season soon and those resources should be available in other ways.
Calling Luke and gwen trash is YOU problem.
Also the side quest is not that hard, no node, all basic, and you only fight 2014 champs which not hard to fight, no hard or annoying defender
Hate to say it (not really though), but this is actually a skill issue the defenders don't even have any nodes on them.
No revives, 20% boosts, some health potions for Luke, easy.
Should it take 20 minutes and a ton of not getting hit? There are more fun ways to spend that time.
Can it be done with defenders half that bad? Heck yeah.
Just give it a try mate.